Episode 11: Part 5 - The Ghost and a Spell

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Your P.O.V

"Honey are you sure you got this?"  Beth said, eyes following Jerry as he paced back and forth in front of the sofa.  Jerry shifted his eyes from the projection to his wife, lowering the fist he had been biting.  You raised an eyebrow as he laughed nervously.  "Oh course,...". Jerry quickly took another glance at the projection, his eyes shifting for only a second.  "sweetie!"  He finished, eyes returning to Beth.  She only frowned, eyes displaying a worried look.

You matched her expression, the corners of your mouth crinkling in disapproval, as you sat both cross-legged and cross-armed on the sofa.  How did Jerry, of all people, have connections to deal with this?  Not even you knew how to deal with this.  You just sincerely hoped Jerry wasn't calling some show like that Ghostfeed Unsolved.  The family's pride was on the edge already and it was fairly likely Jerry's plan could become the tipping point, especially if the whole fiasco ended up online.

Turning to your right, you glanced at the kids, looking them over for any reaction to the whole situation.  Like his mother, Morty wore a face of concern, following Jerry's eyes as they consistently glanced up at the blue specter circling the room.  Summer however, seemed to imitate her grandfather, a look of boredom plastered onto her face.  In her hand, her phone screen was almost as bright as the projection as her fingers scrolled through her messages.  Rick on the other hand was entertained by one of his various devices and a screwdriver, busy adjusting wires and the like. 

"UGH.....". You moaned, throwing your head back to face the ceiling.  "It's been half an hour already.  Is your friend coming or not?"  The family looked at Jerry as he turned to you. "He'll be here!"  He said loudly.  Then, in a quieter voice, repeated, "He'll be here."  as if he had to convince himself.  However, he didn't have to convince himself for very long.  For suddenly, the doorbell rang and Jerry's head swirled around to the archway into the hall.

Scrambling into the hall, Jerry made his way to the door.  Curious, you, Beth, Morty, and Summer all followed him into the hallway to await your new guest.  Jerry put his hand on the handle and opened the door halfway, peeking outside hesitantly.  "Oh thank god you're here!"  Jerry said, relief pouring out with his words as his face instantly relaxed.   "You have no idea what we've been going through!"  "Jerry who is it?"  Beth asked.  Jerry ignored her, instead, he continued to talk to the unknown person.  "I was in the garage you see and, well, I was looking for the gift my kids had given-"  You rolled your eyes.  "Jerry just open the door!" You stormed over to the door, yanking it all the way open "How hard it tha-".  You froze in shock for a moment, observing the gentleman before you.

On the front step of your home was an older man dressed in a pastors outfit.  One hand was wrapped security around a bible while the other clutched an old, leather bag.  A shiny and rather intricately designed crucifix hung around his neck, glinting as he shifted from side to side.  "Oh you have got to be kidding me."  You said, turning promptly around and walking back into the living room, throwing your hands over your head in exasperation.  Meanwhile, the conversation between Jerry and the pastor continued.  "I got your call my son.  And, rest assured, the church and I will do everything in the Lord's power to rid you of this demon."

You heard the front door close and turned your head so as you could see into the hallway.  The pastor entered the home and set down his bag, looking around at the walls and ceiling.  You watched as his eyes scanned over Jerry, Beth, and Summer before finally landing on Morty for a bit too long.  The pastor smiled at your grandson and Morty gave him a weak smile in return before pointing at the living room. "It-It's uh... i-in there."  The pastor turned and looked into the living room, eyes widening and smile turning into a look a shock.  "Santa Maria!"  He exclaimed, dropping his leather bag to the floor.  The sound of metal and glass muffled as the bag made contact with the floor.  You glanced at the pastors remaining hand.  He was gripping the Bible so tightly that his knuckles were becoming white. 

Rick looked up from his project and turned his head to face the new arrival.  As soon as he saw the uniform, Rick's eyes darkened.  "Oh you have g-goooott to be kidding me."  He burped, his eyes looking to Jerry in judgement.  Pushing himself out of his seat, Rick stalked past the church man, talking as he did so.  "Well this clearly wont work out.  I'm going out to buy the new chamber.  Be back in an hour."  The pastor turned his head and called out to Rick.  "Have you no faith?"  Rick opened the door and, without turning back, replied.  "Not in you!"  Then, with a swift movement, he slammed the door to the garage, activating the portal away from the pastor's eye.

The pastor's sickly smile earlier from his moment with Morty was now nowhere to be found as he glanced up at the living room ceiling.  "Jerry was it?"  He asked.  Jerry nodded and stepped to his side.  "Correct."  "Please... when did this trouble all begin?"  Jerry took a deep breath.  "Oh boy.  Well as you know I've never been that great at relationships.  I mean, really the problem began back in my teens-". The pastor raised up his hand.  "Allow me to rephrase.  When did this newest problem begin?"  His gaze then traveled to the projection.

"Oh."  Jerry's face reddened.  "Oh well I was jealousssssssss-I mean juuust-just looking through some of my father and laws' junk when I may have accidentally left one of his old relics too close to the edge of the shelf."  The pastor nodded.  "Perhaps that relic served to hold the demon inside as a... containment chamber or sorts."  "So I've heard...". Jerry mumbled.  The pastor turned to his bag.  "Well this should be no problem at all.  Demons may be powerful but not as powerful as the lord!"  The pastor struggled with his bag, pulling out various bottles and herbs. 

"This cleansing ritual will require the help of myself and the presence of that whom released it."  Jerry stepped forward but the pastor added, "but a blood relative of the releaser works just as fine... finer the younger they are as well."  He raised an eyebrow and looked at Morty who rubbedn his arm.  "I don't know.  I-I'm not really comfortable with-". Jerry grabbed Morty's shoulders, looking him in the eyes.  "Please Morty.  I need to prove myself."  He said in a hushed tone.  "I created this mess, I should clean it up.  I don't want you to always look at Rick for the answers."  Morty looked as though he wanted to retaliate but Jerry's quivering eyes finally broke him.  "Alright."  He sighed.  "Excellent!"  Both the pastor and Jerry exclaimed, both a little too thrilled with the idea of a young boy interacting with a demon/projection.  You cringed and looked over at an oblivious Beth.  By the looks of it, she wasn't really seeing the same pedo vibe you had.  You didn't want to say anything but based on how this was going, you hoped desperately for Rick to return as quickly as possible.

A/N: kind of a longer chapter for once.  Hope you all enjoyed!
~ <3<3 ApocalypseRaccoon

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