Episode 1 - Part 3: The Caller with 1,000 Voices

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Your P.O.V

"S-so what do your want to try?  They've got what looks to be meat, uh... Some sort of kabob..., and fruit juice I hope?"  Morty tapped the orange glass doubtfully.  "That's not juice."  The food stand owner said.  Morty cringed.  "Here."  The owner reached under the counter and produced two juice boxes.  "W-what is it??"  The owner stared at him.  "Just apple juice.  An import from Earth."  Morty looked down embarrassed.  "Oh."  You grabbed the juice and jabbed the straw into the box violently.  Morty frowned and took his box slowly.  The two of you sipped on your juice in silence.  The owner leaned over and smiled.  "I really would like to know why you hate me."  Sighing, you slammed your juice onto the table.  "Please don't bother me!"  You yelled.  Standing up, you stormed off down the street.  "Wait Grandma!"  Morty yelled, reaching out his hand.  "Sorry Unity.  I-I got to go."  Morty turned around.  "Grandma Y/N wait!"  As Morty disappeared out of sight the Unity food stand owner narrowed their eyes.  "Grandma?"  He said.

You wiped the tears forming in your eyes as you walked down one of the alleyways and slumped against the wall behind a garbage container.  "Y/N!  Grandma Y/N?"  You could hear Morty's voice but you just wanted to be alone.  He could survive on his own.  "Hello Y/N."  One of the Unity vow men said, advancing towards you.  "Just leave me alone."  You mumbled, hugging your knees.  The woman ignored you and sat down beside you.  "So I heard Morty call you Grandma Y/N... Is it true?  Are you Rick's wife?"  You nodded.  "Yea but we're not exactly getting along at the moment."  The women glared at you.  "You don't deserve him."  You narrowed your eyes.  "Excuse me?"  From around the corner came five more of Unity's victims.  You narrowed your eyes and stood up, body tensing.  "You really want to go?"  You asked.  The Unity victims advanced.  "Hey!  No!  Get off!"  More of Unity's victims flooded into the alleyway and grabbed you by your limbs.  As you opened your mouth to cry for help, it was flooded with a green liquid.  You choked on it for a few moments before feeling something taking over.  "Hello Y/N."  The voice said.  "Get... Out... Of my... Head!"  You yelled before the darkness took control.  The last thing you heard was the Unity victims speaking in unison.  "How's it feel to be one of us?"

3rd Person P.O.V

Rick burped and leaned back on the sofa.  "Y-yooouu know Unity.  This is nice.  I really needed this time to relax."  He waved his arm out to the view before him.  "Take a load off.  Get away from all the craziness."  Unity nodded.  "It is nice to take a break huh?  Bet you busy at home.  With Y/N and all."  Rick looked to her uneasy.  "Uh yea. Yea.  Y/N..."  Just then, the sound of the door opening brought the attention of the Unitys and Rick.  "Grandpa Rick!"  Morty yelled, taking deep breaths.  "I-I can't find Y/N anywhere!"  Rick rolled his eyes.  "Ok then.  That's fine.  Unity can you help Morty here find Y/N?"  He asked.  The Unity women smiled.  "Rick she's here."  Rick raised an eyebrow.  "Um ok.  See Morty?"  He said, turning to him.  "Nothing to worry about."

A door opposite to where Morty ran in opened and Y/N walked in, smiling like an idiot.  "Whoa!  What made you so happy?"  Rick asked, standing up.  "Nothing."  Unity said, walking up to him.  "She's just joined us."  Unity said, gesturing to the rest of the people. They lined up next to and behind Y/N and stared blankly at Rick and Morty.  "W-What the hell Unity!  You can't just do that to my wi-niece!"  The Unity Y/N smiled and walked up to Rick, touching him on the shoulder.  "I already know she's your wife Rick.  No need to keep up the act."  Y/N began to walk away and turned back, looking slyly at the genius.  "Besides, Y/N and you were fighting anyway so why do you care?  Last time I checked she wasn't doing much in terms of supporting you.  I remember when you told me.  She left with your only daughter to live on their own because you were such a bad father.  She hated you.  What would that change now?"

Morty looked at his grandfather in concern.  "R-Rick?"  He asked meekly.  Rick remained silent and wide eyed.  Y/N crossed her arms.  "But with me Rick... I'd be able to support you again.  Not go nearly as crazy as last time with all the red-heads and all but we could still work this out."  Y/N turned around and tipped her head to the side innocently.  "What do you say?"  She said.  Morty grabbed his grandfather's sleeve.  "Don't do it Rick.  You know you married Y/N for a reason right?  Back in the chamber room where we first found her, you felt something when you looked at her memories right?"  Y/N continued to smile.  "Come on Rick..."  She said in a singsong voice.  Rick took a quick glance at Morty then back to Y/N.  Closing his eyes, he sighed, then spoke. "Sorry Unity, but I just can't let you take Y/N's mind like that."  Y/N backed up in surprise.  "What?"  Rick shrugged.  "Sure most of the time Y/N can be demanding, annoying, crazy, and a whole load of other things, but I married her.  She's family and I can't let you just use her body for your own personal plans.

Y/N shook her head.  "That doesn't make sense!"  She cried out.  She looked up and glared at Rick.  "When did you care what happened to anyone!"  Rick glared.  "Give Y/N back Unity."  Y/N scoffed.  "Or what?  You won't hurt me in this body!"  She gestured to herself.  Rick walked up to Y/N and looked into her eyes.  "Y-your really want to test me!  Ha!  You've seen what I can do... Now,". Rick's eyes glared harder than Morty had ever seen him do before.  In a way he was in awe, in another it was fear.  "Give her back."  He growled.  Y/N remained in silent shock for a few moments before backing up.  "Fine."  She said. 

Your P.O.V

The sound of Rick's voice filled your ears.  "Give her back."  Your heard fluttered and you prayed Rick was trying to help you out of the invisible prison Unity had blinded you to.  "Fine."  Your voice rung out and you began to see light.  Suddenly, your vision came flooding back to your and you were able to feel your soul fill the space of it's body again.  As your soul flooded in, you felt the urge to let something out.  Bending over, you barfed out a bunch of green goo.  "Awwww I feel so sick right now." You mumbled, slumping over.  "Whoa Whoa easy!"  You felt skinny but strong arms tuck themselves under you, pulling you up into Rick's arms.  "R-Rick?"  You mumbled, rubbing your temples.  "Hey Y/N."  He said.  "Let's go home okay?"  You nodded and glanced up at the multiple Unitys in the room.  "May your glipglops forever burn."  You mumbled.  The Unitys gasped. 

Opening up the portal, Rick helped you inside.  "Come on Morty.  We don't got all day!"  Morty nodded, still in slight shock to the kindness he just witnessed from Rick.  "S-Sure!  Coming!"  He yelled, trotting after the two of you.  Rick glanced at Unity.  "You know, you really ought to hang out with that other beta 7 dude.  He's into you, you know that?"  Then, stepping through the portal, you, Rick, and Morty were transferred back to the world you knew.

A/N: Whooo hoo!  First episode done!  Second one on it's way.  It will continued off with them directly where we just left off but it will include Summer, Beth, and Jerry.  Hope you liked this chapter!  Love you all lots and thank you so much for reading this!  It really means a lot!
~ <3 <3 ApocalypseRaccoon

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