Episode 9: Part 6 - A Day in the Life of Y/N Sanchez

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Rick's P.O.V

Rick and Y/N sang for hours, not caring that over half of the club was desperately trying to drown them out with booze and the music blasting out from the DJ booth.  But neither Rick nor Y/N cared.  They were too busy enjoying each other's company.  Y/N giggled as the song 'Highway to Hell' ended, standing unsteadily on her feet.  "H*hic*ellzzz yeeeaaa!"  She cheered, downing another sip of her martini.  Rick smiled and gently pushed the glass down.  "Hey sweet cheeks."  Rick said in his poor attempt at a southern accent.  "I think that's enough for tonight." Y/N seemed to mumble some form of retaliation but it was lost under the loud music.  With that, Y/N fell into his arms, unconscious.  Ignoring the crowd by dragging Y/N to a dim corner, Rick opened up a portal into Y/N's room.  Rick flopped Y/N onto her bed less than elegantly, breathing heavily.  "Jesus Y/N you drink your weight in alcohol?"  Rick was happy she wasn't awake to hear that.  He'd never hear the end of it.  Gently pressing his hand on her forehead, Rick held it there a moment before slipping out of the room and heading down the dark hallway to the garage, hands in the pockets of his leather jacket.

Your P.O.V

The next thing you knew you were waking up with a massive hangover, sprawled out on your bed in a less than graceful manner.  You groaned holding your head with your hand.  You could smell the heavy scent of alcohol on your breath.  No doubt you went a little overboard last night.    "Jesus..."You managed to mumble, rubbing your temple.  What the hell happened last night?  Hangovers weren't exactly uncommon for you but you seemed to remember something else... someone else.  You had no idea what happened but you seemed to remember having one of the best nights of your life.  You lay on your bed a moment, searching your mind for memories of last night.  However all you could remember was getting into a drinking battle against Angela and, for some reason, a really awkward southern accent.

Suddenly, your stomach, as if finally sensing some brain activity, gurgled and the familiar taste of bile rose up in your throat.  Stu baling out of bed and to the bathroom, you barely made it before the contents of last night poured out of your mouth. The mix of vodka, shots, and bile was far from pleasant but removing it from your body did provide some relief, especially for your liver.  You continued to huddle over the toilet for a few minutes, clutching your stomach as the exorcism of alcohol slowly dispersed into nothingness.  You gave a final few spits before wiping off your mouth and gargling some mouthwash.

Trudging out of the bathroom you head a faint knock on the front door.  Knowing it was a weekday, you took it on yourself to open the door as everyone else was either at school, work, or out of the house.  To your surprise Johnny was at the door, envelope in hand.  "Oh!  Hey there!"  You mumbled.  Johnny gave a small grin.  "How's the hangover?"  He asked.  You shrugged.  "I've had worse.  How's Angela?"  Johnny laughed.  "Recovering.  That's the most she's drank in years.  I'm actually surprised you aren't more drunk."  You raised an eyebrow.  "Oh believe me I'm drunk all right.  I just know how to hide it.  Anyways, what brings you here today?"  Johnny snapped his fingers.  "Oh yea!  Almost forgot!"  He handed you the envelope.  "Some pictures from last night.  Got my own photo studio so spend the morning developing them." 

You opened the envelope carefully and removed a small stack of pictures.  There must a been ten some photos in the stack and you shuffled though them.  The first few were of you and Angela in the midst of your drinking game.  The photos showed the progression of the ever-growing pile of shot glasses between the two of you.  You stared at a photo of you laughing manically as an unconscious Angela's head lay on the table.  You gave a small smile.  Then, flipping to the next picture you found yourself staring at two young lesbians making out.  "Whoops!"  Johnny said, quickly stacking the picture up.  "That's mine."  He said awkwardly.  You gave him a look but decided not to question it. 

Looking down you squinted at the next picture.  It was of you talking to someone whom you couldn't identify.  The man, whomever he was, had is back to the camera and the lights of the club made it impossible to determine his hair color.  But the smile on you face seemed to tell you that this was the reason you had such a rest time last night.  "Hey Johnny who was I talking to?"  You asked.  He shrugged.  "I dunno sorry.  Though maybe the rest of the pictures might tell you.  I know you hung out with that guy until I decided to take Angela home."  You began to look at the other photos as Johnny continued to speak.  "Speaking of Angela, I should really go check up on her.  If you want any reprint or anything feel free to call."  You looked up and nodded at him.  "Sure, thanks."  Waving to Johnny, you closed the door and began to walk towards the kitchen, glancing at the photos.

Many of the photos seemed to focus more on young women with you and the unidentified man in the background but it was all you had to help identify him.  Squinting at the photo with the clearest picture of you and the man, your eyes widened with rage as you finally recognized who it was.  "RRRRRRIIIIIICCCCCKKKKKKK!"  You screamed, kicking open the door the garage.  Rick turned around from his table, poker face on.  "What?"  He asked.  You slammed the picture down of the table.  "I don't know WHAT the hell you were thinking."  You growled, jabbing your finger into his chest.  "But I swear to GOD IF YOU DO THAT AGAIN I WILL RIP YOUR BALLS OFF WITH A BUTTERKNIFE AND FEED THEM TO JERRY!!!"  You screamed.  Rick said nothing and refused to meet you gaze.  But you had had enough.  Leaving the picture of you two smiling at one another and sharing the karaoke mic, you stormed out of the garage.

Rick's P.O.V

She was mad.  SUPER mad.  Not surprising but still.  Rick never pictured her finding out so soon.  His eyes glanced at the door, the white paint cracked from the force of it being closed.    He then glanced back at the picture Y/N had left on the table.  They were so happy in that moment.  Rick felt a twinge in his chest.  H heated to admit it but the smartest man in the universe could provide himself with everything except love.  Y/N was that love and because of his actions, he had taken away that love from himself.  Shaking his head, Rick quickly tucked the photo into one of the cabinets.  He didn't know how he was going to fix this.  It would be so simple just to erase her memories but that just didn't seem right.  Not this time.  For once, Rick decided he was going to make it is goal to fix something without the use of ay technology.  It was time to him to return to the basic roots of romance.

Y/N: Hey Hey Hey Y'all!  Hope you all enjoyed with chapter!  I feel like it did end up getting a little rushed but I wanted to try and fit everything into this chapter instead of making another part.  Next chapter will be the start of a new chapter and I look forward to it!  Stay fabulous!
~ <3 <3 ApocalypseRaccoon

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