Episode 2: Part 2 - Family is Strong When They Get Along

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Your P.O.V

    Summer dragged you by the hand up to her room and sat you down on her bed.  "This is amazing!"  She jumped on the bed next to you.  She made eye contact with you for a second and hopped back up.  "Oh my gosh!  How rude of me!  You want a water?  Chips?  Anything?"  Summer smiled and tipped her head, playing with her hands nervously.  You laughed.  It felt weird having someone take care of you like you were some sort of old person.  In a way, it sort of did, you being a grandma and all.  Fortunately, whatever thing you had been trapped in for the last few years of your life had kept you the same age... at least it felt and looked like it.  "No honey I'm good.  I'm not that old yet.  I'll go get something if I really need it.  For now let's catch up.  It's been so long since I've seen you."  Summer sat back down on the bed and swung her legs, eyes glued to her shoes.

    You looked around the room, observing the walls covered with posters of bands and good looking men.  The shelves once filled with stuffed animals were now crammed with textbooks and magazines.  You feared what you would find in Morty's room.  He was a teen after all.  You quickly removed the thought of hormones and focused back on your granddaughter.  "I don't see Hamilton here anymore.  Don't tell me he's been replaced with... one... arrow?"  You squinted at one of the posters with four boys making sexy faces.  "One Direction yea."  Summer nodded.  "Who are they?"  You didn't hate boy bands.  You were a huge fan of the Jonas Brothers but there pretty boys just looked like posers to you.  But you couldn't quite judge yet.  After all, their music still might be good. 

    "There only like the hottest, most talented, sweetest boys in the entire music industry!"  Summer said, hopping off the bed and waving her arms.  You frowned.  "Most talented?  I beg to differ.  The flesh curtains are and forever will be the best."  Now it was Summer's turn to frown.  "What's the flesh curtains?  Some emo band?"  "The band Rick and I were in!"  You exclaimed.  "I was backup singer and keyboardist."  You frowned.  "Has Rick never told you?"  Summer cringed.  "He doesn't... really... tell us anything."  She quickly waved her hands in your face as you began to process what she said.  "Not just about you!  He doesn't really tell us anything about his life either!"  You nodded.  "Well that's probably for the best.  But there are some things he should of told you kids."  Summer lowered her hands and sat back down next to you.  "Can you tell me?"  She asked.  You smiled.  "Sure."

    The door to Summer's room suddenly opened and Morty came in.  "Grandma Y/N!  C-c...can I hear to?"  Summer glared at her brother as he pushed his fingers together nervously.  "Have you been eavesdropping!  Ugh!  Your such a creep Morty!"  You shrugged.  "Well It's to late to change what he did now.  I don't see anything wrong with him joining us.  That way I don't have to explain it twice."  Morty grinned and quickly sat down on the floor, crossing his legs.  Summer frowned down at him, arms crossed.  "Well I suppose the best story to begin with is the very first time Rick took me off world."


    You sighed and leaned against the wall outside the local theater.  "Tough gig?"  You turned in surprise to see Rick leaning against the wall, his leather jacket's collar turned up.  He took a swig from his canteen.  "The acting business is tough."  You said shrugging.  A breeze blew by and you tightened your jacket as the late fall breeze blew through your hair and skirts.  "Didn't expect you to be back from your 'trip' so soon."  You said, narrowing your eyes.  "W-what? Wha-what's up with your tone?"  Rick asked.  You gave an exasperated sigh and looked him in the eyes.  "Rick, sweetie, you disappear from school all the time through a giant green portal.  What sort of weird invention did you make to do that?"  Rick looked around for anyone else but the street was empty except for an old homeless man who slipped into an alleyway.  "This," Rick said, pulling a devise resembling a remote out of his coat.

    "A cashier checkout scanner?"  You asked, reaching out to touch it.  Rick slapped your hand down gently.  "Don't touch it.  It's delicate."  Rick quickly tucked the devise back into his coat as a group of giggling girls exited the theater.  They were holding the script tightly in their hands.  You scoffed.  "Oh course the pretty girls got the part.  Not the one who actually knows karate."  Rick looked at you, confused.  "You know karate?"  You nodded.  "I've been studying for this movie tryouts for months.  I broke my arm twice."  Rick laughed.  "Ha! Y-you think y-ou study hard?  You should see the assassins at Brograd.  T-they train for over half their lifetime just to get hired for impossible missions.  Kinda sad really."  Rick took another swig from his canteen.  You snatched the canteen away from him and took a drink.  "I want to see."  You said after swallowing the burning liquid.  Rick laughed again, this time as if you had made the worlds most sarcastic one-liner.  "No way.  D-did yoooouuu not hear?  They're all assassins."  You shrugged.  "So they get payed to kill.  So what?  Teachers get payed to kill our childhood.  It's not that hard to grasp."  Rick shrugged.  "Alright."  You jumped up and clapped your hand in excitement.  Rick turned into the alleyway and you followed.

    Rick pulled out the device again the turned to you.  "First off.  Three rules;". He said, holding up three fingers with his free hand.  "One: No hiring anyone to kill off Mrs. Swisstonkon."  He said, referring to your math teacher.  You frowned and crossed your arms.  "Two:  You let me do the talking.  If they don't think we're on planet to seek out an assassin then they'll kill us straightaway.  Three: Don't leave my side.  Soouund good?"  You nodded enthusiastically.  Rick pressed a few buttons and a green portal opened up next to the dumpster.  "And awwwaayyy we go!"  Rick said.  Grabbing your hand, he pulled you into the portal and to the world of Brograd.

A/N. Alrighty!!! Hope you guys enjoyed that chapter.  Yes this is kinda a story within a story.  I had to rewrite this chapter a couple times in order to have the things I wanted to add to fit together correctly.  With school back on my teachers decided it was a great idea to give me all this homework that would of been better during break.  Got like three big research projects so I've been swamped.  On top of that, the robotics competition has started up so for four days a week I'm doing that as well.  It's fun believe me... but also really tiring.  Anyway, thanks so much for reading this chapter!  Love you guys lots!

~ <3 <3 ApocalypseRaccoon (*intense base drop*)

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