Episode 7: Part 6 - That's Mime

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A/N: For this chapter, all dialogue is spoken through mind unless otherwise stated.

Rick's P.O.V

    Rick stared blankly into the mirror as the group of alien women gave him the final touches to his wedding dress. For one of the few times in his life, Rick wasn't quite sure how to react. He didn't have any of his gadgets or portal gun. Under normal circumstances he could just murder all the aliens and leave but Y/N was somewhere here and they aliens knew her as his assistant. But one wrong move and they would take out their wrath on her. Rick wasn't willing to Rick that. For Ricks, their Y/N was one of the few irreplaceable people in their life.

    "You look gorgeous my Lord!" One of the women said, holding both her hands over her third heart which was located in her right shoulder. Rick forced a smile. Through gritted teeth, he managed to mumble a quick thanks and complimented the ladies on their work. The girls giggled and left the room. "We'll be back in a moment." One said to him, smiling. "It's almost time." With that, the door clicked closed and Rick ran over to his discarded shirt and pants, fumbling with the fabric in hopes that any of his gadgets remained. He had no such luck.

    As he tossed his clothing uselessly to the side, the door opened and Rick spun around, his dress billowing. One of the women from before peeked her head in. "They're ready for you my Lord." Lifting the skirts of his dress, Rick walked into the hall where the other two women attached a delicate, lace veil to his hair, draping it over his face. "Hey.... H-have any of you seen my assistant anywhere?" Rick glanced down the hall where a few off-world aliens were talking. The alien that had spoken before shook her head. "I haven't seen her my Lord but I will inform you as soon as I do. Should we prepare her a seat at your table?" Rick nodded. "Please." Rick replied.

    As the one alien ran off to do and try find Y/N, the other two escorted Rick to a pair of large doors. "Ready?" One asked him. Rick shrugged. "I guess if you say that, yea." The women nodded and, with each women grabbing one of the doors, opened them in unison. As the doors opened, Rick was presented with the sights of hundreds of eyes watching him. All of those eyes belonged to one alien who held out his arms to Rick. Rick accepted hesitantly, looking over the backs of the crowd, searching for Y/N. Then in the corner of the door, a strange organ began to play and the audiences' head's turned towards him.

    Rick walked down the isle, glancing around for you. If only he could just find you and then murder everyone in the room. Murder was so much easier than marriage. Yet you were nowhere to be found and the distance between Rick and his new husband were shortening by the second. Before he knew it, the alien escorting him let go of his arm and Rick lifted his skirt, stepping up onto the small platform where his future husband stood.

    "We gather here today to join these two men under the roof of the great Glob!" The priest said, throwing his hands up into the air. "Now, we only have to seal this holy matrimony with a kiss, symbolizing the bond between your DNA." Rick cringed as the alien he was to marry puckered his purple lips and leaned in. "W-what... w-w-what about the vows?" He said, glancing from the priest to hi supposed lover. The priest looked at him in confusion. "Lord Yqosk, vows are not required. In our culture, when two agree to marry, they already automatically make the vow to look out for one another. There is no need to state the obvious." He said, shaking his head. Rick raised an eyebrow. "Wow. Ohhhh boy." Rick's eyes shifted to the lips of his fiancé, growing every closer. Before Rick could think of anything clever to get himself out of this mess, he was kissed smack on the lips by the Xlirone. "I now pronounce you husband and husband!" The priest yelled as the crowd erupted into clapping and cheers of approval.

~Time Skip ~ (To the reception)

    Rick stared blankly into the crowd with the same expression he had been wearing since the kiss. Many aliens of all shapes and sizes approached him and his new husband, giving their congratulations to the pair. A particularly large alien crawled over to the table and bowed. "My kings. May you have a wonderful and long marriage." "You're too kind." Rick mumbled sarcastically.

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