Episode 6: Part 3 - Back in Black

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Your P.O.V

"Y/N.  You realize the danger of our band reuniting correct?"  BP said.  "Didn't stop you before."  Rick chimed in.  "Since when did we let the federation scare us into backing out of performance anyway?"  You nodded, appreciating Rick's lack of sarcasm for once.  "Besides.  Those losers are still cleaning up after the mess Rick left behind."  You added, recalling your most recent adventure.  BP stared at you confused.  "It's a long story."  You said simply.

BP sighed.  "Very well.  I suppose for you Y/N, I will."  Your cheered, fist pumping the air.  "That a boy Birdperson!  Flesh curtains reunite!"  Rick laughed.  "Haha!  Ohhhh yyyeeeaaa!"  Rick took a victory swig from him flask.  Wiping his mouth on his sleeve, Rick reached into his pocket and pulled out his portal gun.  "O-oooooffff to Sqanchy's then."  He slurred, pulling the trigger.  "You two go on ahead.  I will stay here and try and find my voice amplifier."  Birdperson said flatly.  You shrugged.  "Alright suit yourself."  Then, jumping into the portal, you disappeared through the other side.  Rick quickly followed suit and the portal vanished.  As the two of you disappeared, Birdperson went over to his wall where the picture of the band hang.  Opening up the back frame, Birdperson revealed an additional part of the photo that had been folded over, hiding it from view.  Unfolding it, Birdperson stared at the far corner of the folded portion where a younger version of yourself was playing on the keyboard.  Your hair had been spiked and dyed an array of neon colors.  Birdperson then glanced at the young Rick and spoke quietly to himself.  "I hope you know what you're doing old friend."

Meanwhile, you and Rick stepped through the portal, emerging on a familiar planet.  "Man...It's been so long since I've been on Sqanchy's home turf... wonder how the Civil War is doing?"  You both ducked simultaneously as a large missile sailed over your heads and hit the remains of an already broken building.  Running quickly, the two of you made your way to a nuclear bunker, nestled in between two crashed warships.  Rick banged out he door.  "OPEN THE SQUANCH UP!!!"  "Why do you never just teleport us into his house!"  You yelled over the sound of bombs dropping.   "Jesus Y/N!  I may not have morals but I still have manners!"  Rick burped.  Rick hit the door again.  "SQUANCHY OPEN UP!"  Rick leaned against the door and you followed suit, pushing against the metal.  Before the two of you could react though, the door opened and both of you fell into the small bunker.  "Rick!  And this that Y/N I see?"  You glanced up from where you lay on top of Rick to where Squanchy stood, holding out his small paw.  You took it gratefully, letting the small, but strong creature pull you up.  You quickly embraced him in a hug.  "Squanchy!  It's been such a long time!"

"Agreed!"  Squanchy said.  Rick coughed.  "Little help?"  He asked as he lay on the floor.  Squanchy grabbed Rick's hand and pulled him up.  As Rick brushed off he looked around.  Seeing a normal sized chair among all the other smaller furniture, Rick sat down and began to read through the pages of an alien porn magazine.  Seeing Rick was occupied, Squanchy turned back to you.  "So what brings you two to little old Squanchy here?"  You grinned.  "Remember how we formed that band a while back?"  Squanchy's face lit up.  "You bet my Squanch I do!"  Your smile grew bigger.  "Well how about doing one more performance?  We never really got to preform our grand finale."  Squanchy nodded, thinking.  His small paw stroking his chin.  "You have a place in mind yet?"  You shook your head.  Squanchy grinned.  "Then leave that to me!  This is going to be the best squanching concert ever!"

A/N: Sorry this chapter is so short.  I'm kinda running low on ideas for this episode.  If you guys have suggestion I'd love to hear them.  School started last week so I'll still be posting weekly but the chapters may be shorter than usual.  Nevertheless, I hope you all enjoyed this week's chapter.  I can't wait to post again next week!
~ <3 <3 ApoclalypseRaccoon (anyone here read webtoon?)

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