Episode 1 - Part 1: The Caller with 1,000 Voices

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F/C: Favorite color
F/D: Favorite Alcoholic Drink

Your P.O.V
The portal opened up in the garage and Morty hopped out, practically bouncing with excitement.  Following him was you and Rick, your arm intertwined with his.  "Come on!  Come on!"  Morty said, grabbing you.  "Y-You've gotta come see everyone else!"  Morty dragged you out of the garage and wandered around the house but no one was to be found.  "Mom and dad must be at work."  Morty said, thinking.  Rick came up behind the two of you and took a swig from his canister as Morty continued.  "And summer must be with her new boyfriend."  Morty looked up at you, who was still covered in the green goo.  "W-well I guess if you want you could just clean up." You looked down at her newly discovered grandson.  "Yea.  That might be a good idea."

"I-I'll go get you a towel... You wanna choose out some of mom's old clothes to wear?  You look about her size."  You nodded.  "Alright."  Morty ran out of the room and you opened the top drawer and began to dig around.  Rick stayed behind you watching.  You scrunched up your nose at the awkward silence that hung over the room.  "Soooooo..."  You began.  "You live here with everyone?"  Rick shrugged. "Yeeeeeeeeap."  He took a swig from his canister as you smirked.  "What happened to your idea of living on a giant booze planet?"  "I drank it all."  He replied.  You glared.  "Even the F/D?"  You placed your hands on your hips and faced your husband.  He shrugged.  "Whaaaattt Y/N?  It's not like I expected you to be freed from those creeps!"  You rolled your eyes.  "Well it certainly looked easy enough to free me."  Rick threw his hands up in the air.  "Yea exceeeeeppt as soon as they find out your gone who knows what's gonna happen!"  You scoffed.  "Rick don't you dare use that as an excuse."

The two of you locked your eyes, glaring at one another.  "Uh...."  Morty said, walking in on you two.  You gave him a sweet smile and turned away from Rick.  "Thank you dear."  You said, taking the towels from him.  Then, reaching into Beth's drawer, you pulled out a group of clothes including a F/C dress and grey sweater.  "I'll be back."  You said.  Morty smiled and nodded but Rick only turned away and walked out of the room into the kitchen.  "Bathroom's down the hall to the right."  Morty said pointing.  You nodded.  "Thanks."  Then you quickly stalked off, slamming the door to the small room and locking it behind you.

3rd Person P.O.V
Morty frowned as he saw Y/N slam the door behind her.  A minute or so later he heard the water turn on and he took his leave into the kitchen.  Glaring Morty approached Rick.  "W-why you gotta be so mean Rick?"  Rick turned and glared at him.  "Me Morty?  You think after all we'd been through you would be more willing to take my side huh?  But Nooo0000oooo."  Rick jabbed his finger at Morty.  "You think Y/N is flawless or something?  You taking her side cause you think she's weaker than me?  She took down 6 of the most deadly assassins on planet Blograd.  You knoooo00w Blodgrad Morty?  It's a whole planet made entirely of assassins."  Rick straightened up and took a swig from his canister and looked off out the window.  Morty stared at him, not sure how to react to his outburst.  "I'm gonna go check on Y/N."  He said, pointing awkwardly and edging out of the room.  Rick said nothing.

Your P.O.V
You huffed in frustration as you turned the water off.  "Stupid Rick... Stupid Stupid stupid."  You mumbled as you dried yourself off.  You heard a knock on the door.  "Hey Y/N?"  It was Morty.  You tried giving him your happiest voice possible at the moment.  "Yea?"  You asked.  "Oh... Nothing.  Just checking to see if you need anything."  You shook your head even thought he couldn't see.  "No nothing.  Thanks."  "Alright."  He replied.  "I'll be in the kitchen when your done.  It's just at the end of the hall."  You heard him walk away and you sighed.  "Seems like an okay enough kid... Even if he is a spawn of Jerry."  You said, narrowing your eyes at the thought of the sad sad man who married you daughter.
You finished drying off and got dresses.  The dress you had chosen out went down to just above your kneecaps and was sleeveless.  Around the middle was a large belt.  Pulling the sweater over your shoulders you took a deep breath and opened the bathroom door.  Picking up Rick's coat, you thought for a moment.  Perhaps it was best if you simply apologized for your previous behavior.  Although you still believed it was mostly Rick's fault.  You began to walk down the hall.  You could see the light of the kitchen and soon voices.  "She's driving me insane Morty.  Piece of advice for yo0000ooooouu;  Don't get married.  It's eternal servitude to a demon.  Your better o0000ooof just adopting some cats."  You anger was swiftly returned and all thoughts of forgiving Rick flew out the window. 

"Here's your precious lab coat back."  You said tossing it to him.  The coat was still soaked in green goo.  "Ugh."  Rick said rolling his eyes.  "This is disgusting.  Y-Yyou got it this way.  You fix it."  He attempted to toss it back but you stepped out of the way, the coat hitting Morty directly in the face.  You took a step closer to Rick as he took a step closer to you.  The glaring battle from earlier was ignited once more.  Morty looked up at the two of you from where he had fallen on the floor.  "Oo-oh boy."  Suddenly, a phone went off.  Rick's eyes quickly glanced at the pocket of his coat and you turned your head, following his gaze.  Morty quickly looked at the lab coat in his hands and reached into the pocket.  He quickly pulled out a phone and answered it.  "Uh.. Hello?"  There was silence for a moment before Morty's face lit up in recognition.  "Uh.. Rick?  It's for you."  Rick glanced at you for a second before looking back at Morty.  "Who is it?"  "Unity.  She want to know if the two of you can talk."  You glared at Rick.  "Who the hell is Unity?"  You said, voice dangerously low.

A/N: Hey guys!  Finals are coming up so I won't be posting next weekend.  Sorry to leave the fight between you and Rick unresolved but it's a good place to end.  I will start back up working on this as soon as I can though.  Love you guys all so much and thanks for supporting my work!
~ <3 <3 ApoclaypseRaccoon (finals = ;-;)

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