Episode 6: Part 2 - Back in Black

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Your P.O.V

Rick casually lifted his portal gun up facing a nearby wall and pulled the trigger.  Stepping through, you found yourself in the familiar living/sitting room of Bird Person's home.  "Hey!  BP!  You here?"  Rick yelled out.  After a brief moment and a small clatter, you heard a response from the kitchen.  "Rick?  Is that you?"  Birdperson stepped out into the doorway with a bowl of something or other in hand.  As soon as he saw you, the bowl dropped onto the floor.  BP stared blankly in your direction in shock and you chuckled nervously.  Giving a small wave, you spoke.  "Hey BP.  It's been a while huh?"

Rick took a swig from his flask (it is a flask but I've been calling it a canteen this whole time so I'm trying to change that) and held his head back, letting the alcohol pour into his mouth.  As Rick continued to chug, Birdperson turned to you.  "It has been a while Y/N."  You nodded.  "Sure has."  The two of you fell silent, unsure what else to say.  Although it hadn't felt nearly as long for you, it had been years since you had talked to anyone in the band.  "You and Squanchy still hang out?"  Birdperson shrugged.  "Our time together has been very limited due to our statuses as wanted galactic criminals."  You nodded.  "I suppose that makes sense."  You watched as Birdperson bent over and began to clean the remnants from the bowl out of the carpet.  "Y/N.  Would you be so kind as to grab what you humans label as 'the dustpan and broom' from the food preparation room?"  You nodded.  "Sure.  Yea.  I'll be right back."

Rick's P.O.V

As soon as Y/N left the room Birdperson glanced up at Rick and whispered quietly.  "Rick.  What is the purpose of your visit?"  Rick shrugged.  "Y/N just wanted to visit her old band-mates that's all."  Birdperson raised his eyebrow.  "So she is cured?"  Rick shook his head vigorously and leaned in, whispering.  "No and she still doesn't know so zip it."  Rick then grabbed a remote and began to listen to the TV.

"And here starts off the final season of kill-ball.  The galaxies' most violent sport!"  One newscaster said to another.  The second newscaster laughed.  "Well Xander, I suppose in a sport where you are required to kill your opponents.... Who would have guessed we would ever run out of willing participants?"  The first newscaster nodded.  "Well the final game, the Brograds vs the Mafians starts right now on The Astral Intergalactic Dimension Network." (A.I.D Network for short)

Your P.O.V

You walked back into the living/sitting room of Birdperson's abode, broom and dustpan in hand.  The sound of epic sport music filled your ears and you lay eyes on Rick, eyes deadlocked on the TV screen.  "Hey Y/N.  Remember these guys?"  Rick asked, pointing to the Mafian team which you recognized as the aliens from the Mafia Dimension.  "Y-you know theeeeeyyy load up on all those sweet, sweet crystals before every game?"  You watched as a giant rhino alien, similar to the one you had interacted with punched a crystal into powder and snorted it up.  "Wait isn't their whole planet divided though?  Which gang is playing?"  Rick shrugged.  "Both I guess.  To be fair, the game is about killing other aliens.  I think that would bring any two mafia gangs together."

You shook your head in disbelief and walked over to Birdperson, handing him the items from your hand.  As BP cleaned up the mess on the ground you leaned over and BP began to speak.  "Y/N.  You are very much like Rick.  I know you would not come here just to see me."  You scoffed, placing your hand on your chest.  "What?!  I am offended my good sir!  Although..". You trailed off into silence, a sly grin growing on your face.  BP noticed the silence and looked up.  Leaning in, you spoke in a low voice.  "What do you think of doing one last concert?"

A/N:  Hey guys!  Well school starts back up for me in a week so I'm going to take next weekend off in writing to work on just collecting up my school stuff and preparing.  I hope you guys enjoyed this week's chapter!  I know you won't be able to hear it but if your character could play any song with their band of Rick, BP, and Squanchy what would you want it to be?  I look forward to reading your answers!
~ <3 <3 ApocalypseRaccoon (Anyone a fan of Vanoss Gaming?)

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