Episode 6: Part 4 - Back in Black

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Special thanks to @LouieLouDescalzo for this chapter's ideas!  You really helped!

Your P.O.V

You dropped a program of your band's concert down on the table, flourishing your hands excitedly.  "Here it is!!"  You said in a sing-song voice, watching eagerly as Beth and her kids crowded to read over the list of songs you had chosen for the concert.  "Hey Grandma Y/N?  I recognize some of these songs but what the hell is 'Driving Drunk' and 'How I got away with Murder (Brograd Edition)'?"  Summer asked.  You shrugged.  "Just some original songs Rick and I made.  The last one's actually really helpful.  Turns out the Brograd's have a thing in their culture where if you kill a person with any office supplies then it is considered a shameful death and you are not charged.  There was this one instance where one Brograd was killed by his friend.  Turns out he had been slipping the glue from the back of sticky notes into his coffee for 6 years, slowly poisoning him."  Beth raised an eyebrow but inquired no further.  "Well I'm glad your having fun mom."  You leaned over and kissed her head.  "Thanks sweet pea."

As you began to fold the program back up, Morty spoke.  "Hey Y/N.  How did you guys end up in a band anyway?  I never really pictured you hanging out with Rick's friends."  You rolled your eyes.  "Well the friendly neighborhood knitting club wasn't really my thing."  Beth perked up.  "Hey didn't you join cause of that game... uh.. what was it...". Beth placed her finger on her lips, thinking.  "That Roy game at Blitz and Chips."  You said, taking over the conversation.  "Yea, after recovering from my identity crisis, I discovered that during my time in the game I had been in a band so I decided 'why not make my own band in this life?'"  You shrugged as you continued.  "I had Rick round up a few of his rebel buddies and soon The Flesh Curtains were born."

Beth smiled, placing her hand over her heart.  "That's so sweet how you two did so many amazing activities together.  I wish dad would hung out with me like that."  You frowned sadly.  You loved your daughter and you knew Rick loved her as well.  But you also knew that the things Rick did were dangerous and the further away he was from Beth, the safer she was.  However, not everything you and Rick did was dangerous.  You thought for a moment before your face lit up.  "Well why don't you come watch our performance tonight!?  It could be like a family trip, front row seats and everything!"  Summer and Morty immediately began begging their mother.  "Please mom?"  "Can we?"  As Beth tried to calm them down, the reject of the family, Jerry, waltzed into the room, carrying a cup of coffee.  "Whoa whoa whoa!  Are you kids trying to force your mother into giving you house keys again?  Because we all know how well that ended last time."  Summer shook her head and rolled her eyes.  "No.  We're trying to get mom to let us go see grandma and grandpa's concert!"

Jerry raised his eyebrow.  "Isn't that on an alien planet?"  He asked.  You nodded.  "True but we have the portal gun remember?  Cheap as can be!"  You narrowed your eyes and mumbled quietly in Jerry's direction.  "Just like you..."  Jerry, who was sipping his coffee, glanced up.  "What was that last part?"  "Nothing!"  You said, waving your hand dismissively.  Beth glanced at Jerry.  "I think this concert thing could be good for us.  Nothing brings a family together like rocking out together!"  She fist pumped the air.  Jerry glanced from her to the kids before shrugging.  "Well I suppose-". Morty and Summer cheered.   You smiled.  "Well I ought to go practice now.  I'll see you rascals tonight!"  Beth nodded as you slipped out of the room and into the garage where Rick was waiting with his guitar he had fished out of the attic and your keyboard.

"Ready to go?"  He asked.  You nodded.  "Yea.  On a side note, Beth and the family are going to watch our concert tonight."  Rick raised an eyebrow.  "By family you mean...". You furrowed your brow.  "The kids and Jerry, yes.  Just think of him as more of the pet than son-in-law."  You said curtly.  Rick shook his head.  "Pets are family.  Jerry's more of an accessory."  You agreed but changed the subject.  "Just open the portal already."  You grabbed your keyboard from Rick and slung it over your shoulder by the handle on the case.  Rick lifted his gun and shot at the closed garage door, letting the familiar green light fill the room. Hopping into the portal, you landed backstage of the concert hall where you were to preform.

Birdperson and Sqanchy looked up from where they were practicing.  "How's my little drummer boy and songbird?"  You asked, grinning.  Sqanchy gave you a thumbs up.  "Sqanched up and ready for action!"  BP nodded in agreement.  "Indeed.  I am especially excited about the concert hall Sqanchy was able to obtain."  Sqanchy smiled bashfully.  "Aw shucks.  All it took was a little more than a Sqanch!  These Zolbugs will listen to anything!"  You nodded.  "Well that's good cause at this rate, I still have a lot of practicing to do!"  Rick shrugged.  "Well I'm off to go find the bar.  If these Zolbugs are able to listen to our music for a whole night then they must be drinking one hell of a beer."   

As Rick waltzed out of sight, you watched a few of the Zolbugs run around, trying to finish setting up a multitude of fog machines and lights.  "Which song do you want to practice?"  You asked Birdperson.  He shook his head.  "I do not have any particular preference.  Whatever you prefer."  You flipped through your sheet music.  "Howwww abbbboouutt...". You squinted your eyes.  "... our very own 'Driving Drunk' song?"  Birdperson nodded. "Very well."    Birdperson held the microphone in his hands as you sat down at your portable bench and began to play on your keyboard.

Your fingers had only played the first few chords of the song as a wave of dizziness overtook you.  Confused, you quickly stopped playing and Birdperson, who was about to start singing, noticed your condition.  "Y/N!  Are you alright?"  BP reached out for your shoulder.  Sqanchy tilted his head.  "Yea.  Ya look a little sqanched up there."  You shook your head as your vision began to turn black, like someone was spraying a can of paint over your eyes in a pixelated pattern.  The sensation lasted only a moment as you fought for your sight.  "Y-yea."  You swallowed nervously.  In less than a second you had become dizzy, almost blind, and now you could feel blood dripping out of your nose.  "M-must be pre-performance jitters."  You concluded, wiping the blood on your hand.  Birdperson and Sqanchy looked at you, not believing a word you just said.  "Y/N.  I have never seen you this way before.  I suggest you go to the hospital and get Rick-". "No!  I'm sure it's just jitters.  That or dehydration."  You argued stubbornly.

You refused to let this minor health issue be the end of the band's grand finale.  If you had learned one other thing from the events of your last adventure and the Roy game from all those years ago, is that everyone's time in the realm of reality is short.  You weren't willing to risk a chance for an amazing opportunity to be ruined by some health risk.  "Well at least allow me to treat your nose."  BP replied.  "My people's down is some of the most absorbent material in the galaxy."  Birdperson lifted his arm to reveal his hairy armpits, covered in a sweaty layer of down.  You quickly put your hands up, refusing his offer.  "How about we just go ask for a first aid kit ok?"  Birdperson lowered his arms.  "Very well."  You looked at the both of them.  "And don't either of you peep a word of this to Rick.  It's be our problem after the show."  Both nodded reluctantly.  Neither were to pleased with the situation and neither were you.  Where had this sudden sickly feeling come from?  You were sure only part of it was nervousness but you had never panicked this hard before a show.  Either way, you were still going through with the show, and nothing in the galaxy would be able to stop you.

A/N: Yay! Finally got a chapter done early!  I must say, after getting ideas from you guys, I was really able to put together the story a lot easier.  Also, about the blind thing, I don't know if I can really describe it but it's the same as if your vision blacks out once you stand up to fast or if your really dehydrated.  In addition, I don't know about you but when my nose bleeds, it BLEEDS.  There's almost no end.  Anyways though, I can't wait to post again next week!   Honestly this story is so fun to right and you guys are so supportive!  I love it!  Anyway, if you haven't already, please check out my School year update in my one-shots book.  There are a couple announcements pertaining to this story.  Nevertheless, hope you all have a fantastic weekend!
~ <3 <3 ApocalypseRaccoon (risk it for a biscuit)

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