Episode 8: Part 3 - The Long, Dramatic Episode

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Your P.O.V

You chuckled as you spoke in a dangerous tone.  "Where do I begin?"  You placed your finger on your chin for a moment, thinking, before pointing at the Ricks.  "What's the purpose of these pills?"  You asked, drawing the pills from your pocket.  "Is Rick trying to poison me?"  The words stung your throat and your heart as you uttered them.  Never in your life had it been harder to keep a straight face.  One of the Ricks pressed a button and a small drone flew out of the wall and grabbed the bottle.  Delivering the bottle to the Rick, he pulled out a pair of glasses and read the label.  "Ah these?  No these are just pills for your condition.  If anything, these babies are prolonging your life."  The Rick handed back the bottle to the drone who returned it to your hand.  You furrowed your brow.

"Alright so the pills prolong my life.... But what am I dying from?  Why can't you fix it?"  You placed your hands on your hips.  "Is it like cancer or something?  I know it had something to do with my brain?"  You gasped.  "Do I have brain cancer?"  The Ricks snickered and one waved his hand dismissively.  "Cancer?  Ha!  You wish!  If it was cancer we could just solve it like that!"  He snapped his fingers.  "But your condition is much worse than that."  You narrowed your eyes in confusion, anger, and a hint of fear.  Worse than cancer?  Cancer was the worst it could get!  "Explain."  You growled.

Morty's P.O.V

Morty peered into the garage at Rick, lying headfirst in a puddle of alcohol and vomit.  "Uh... Grandpa Rick?"  Morty asked, taking a hesitant step into the room.  Rick was drunker than Morty had ever seen. "Mmm-mmoorrrty!"  Rick laughed.  "Guess I'm going to have to erase everyone's memories now huh?"  Morty took a step back, suddenly concerned.  "W-what?"  Rick continued.  "I-I f*cked up Morty!  You happy?"  Rick burped and sat up, slamming his hand into the barf on the table.  Vomit and booze splashed up onto Rick's face.   "H-hey it's ok."  Morty said, carefully patting his grandfather's back.  Rick slammed his hand in the puddle again, this time splashing it's contents on both of them.  "I f*cked up Morty."  Rick repeated.  "I f*cked up soooo many time it's unreal."  "Hey.  Hey i-it's ok.  We all make mistakes."  Morty said comfortingly.  Rick rolled his eyes.  "Well when I make mistakes whole livelihoods are destroyed.  When you f*ck up the only thing that is destroyed it this families pride."  Morty was clearly offended by the comment but decided to say nothing.

Rick slammed his head back into the puddle and was quiet for a moment before mumbling.  "It's my fault Y/N is angry at me.  It's my fault she's dying."  Morty shook his head.  "It's not your fault she's dying!  You heard the doctor!  She's got a brain... thingy...."  Morty tried his best to comfort Rick but Rick only shook his head, smearing the drying puddle all over his face.  "No... no no no."  He laughed.  "The smartest man in the universe my ass!  I knew the risks.  I knew the r-riiiiiiiiiisks and didn't do anything!"  Morty frowned, putting on the same expression you wore only moments before.  "Well how about you explain?"  He asked.

A/N: Ok, I know this is a short chapter and we're getting into the good stuff but I'm ending the chapter here today because I didn't have a lot of time to write after finishing finals.  BUT, since I'm on winter break not, I'm going to be posting a lot more often!  The next chapter should come out before next weekend!
~ <3 <3 ApocalypseRaccoon

All your OCs!!!

~Kaitlyn M.~


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If you guys want to send any of your fanart to me then feel free!  Send it to Apocalypseraccoon@gmail.com.  I can't wait to see it!

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