Episode 10: Part 3 - Return of Ricardo

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Your P.O.V

Your fork scraped the bottom of the plate as you finished off your main corse.  "That... was... soooooo good!"  You managed to say, mouth full of food.  Ricardo nodded.  "Isn't it?  It is one of my favorite places to go."  You swallowed then looked at Ricardo.  "How come I never knew about this place?"  You asked.  He smiled and shrugged.  "Perhaps you were simply not looking hard enough."  He leaned in seductively and reached out for your hand but you didn't seem to notice.  "Well I drive by here like all the time."  You said before moving your hand and waving to the waiter.  "You want dessert?"  You asked.  "I so badly want some ultimate fudge ice cream cake."  Ricardo slid is hand back slowly and cleared is throat awkwardly.  "Sounds wonderful.  Just what I was planning to order!"  He said.

You raised an eyebrow.  Ricardo seemed nice enough but the dude had been ordering the same thing as you all night.  But you thoughts were interrupted as the waiter, seeing your hand, waltzed over.  "Enjoy your meal?"  He asked.  You and your date nodded.  "It was great!"  You said.  "Agreed!"  Ricardo added.  However, you ignored his comment and continued talking with the waiter.  "Still have any of that ice cream cake left though?"  The waiter nodded.  "Then I'll have that."  You said.  You looked over at Ricardo.  "What about you?"  "The same."  He said, nodding to the waiter.   The waited nodded back.  "Sounds wonderful.  I'll be right back out with that." 

As the waiter disappeared, Ricardo touched your hand, grabbing your attention.  "So Y/N, tell me more about yourself."  "But I've been telling you about myself all night!  Do you know how difficult that is for me?"  You said half-jokingly.  Ricardo chuckled. "Well I always assumed that was the point of a date!"  "Well how about something more interesting.  Like a debate on something?"  You suggested.  Ricardo raised an eyebrow.  "And what exactly would there be to debate?  In all my years I have never met a woman I agreed with more!"  You cringed internally.  Ricardo was right.  The whole night has been a series of agreements after another.  You would say one thing, he would agree, then bring up another statement that you agreed with and the pattern would continue.  You hated to say it but, you longed for an argument, even just a small disagreement between you two.  While you didn't always enjoy arguments, the constant state of life's ups and downs reminded you how fun life really was and to embrace those moments were life wasn't all agreements and sunshine so that you could add greater value to those good moments later on.

Before you could reply to Ricardo, the waiter returned with two heaping plates of fudgey, ice creamy goodness.  Ricardo removed his hand from yours as he looked excitedly at the food.  "It looks marvelous!"  He exclaimed, clapping his hands together.  You glanced at the food, feeling your internal soul squeal with delight.  Just looking at the dessert reminded you how beautiful life could be.  As you lifted a spoonful to your mouth, you spotted a figure moving outside the restaurant window behind your date and you almost choked.  Rick's eyes locked with yours through the glass and you quickly glanced at Ricardo, seeing him face-deep in his dessert.  "Uh... I got to... go to the bathroom really quick.  The fudge activated my period cramps."  You said.  Ricardo looked up in a moment of surprise but then smiled and nodded.  "Understandable.  You go off then."  You nodded and quickly rose from your seat.  Walking around Ricardo, you make your way to the front of the restaurant near the restrooms.  Making sure your date wasn't watching, you opened the door and slipped out to meet with your ex-husband.

A/N: Sorry I couldn't make this chapter as long as I wanted but my " and ' key on my keyboard is acting up so I resorting to copying the " and ' into this chapter from online.  I have to go get my computer fixed though but hope you enjoyed nonetheless!  Until next week!
~ <3 <3 ApocalypseRaccoon

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