Episode 12: Part 5 - Return to Planet Brograd

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Your P.O.V

"Oooohhh sh*t."  You grimaced at the alien.  "How about we put that little gun down huh?  No need to escalate anything here."  The alien grabbed your shoulder, spinning your around to face her.  "Jeez.  Age yourself?"  You said, glaring at the shriveled alien creature.  You had to admit, you you rather surprised to learn Brograds could get to your age.  You had just assumed they all ended up dead by their early 30s.  "Shut up!"  She said.  Signaling with her hands, you spotted two, much younger Brograds emerge from nearby bushes.  Both carried similar guns to that of the one holding your hostage.  Waltzing over to Rick and Morty, they placed their guns on their backs.  "Hey watch it pal!"  Rick growled. 

"Silence glip glop!"  The female Brograd growled.  Then she turned back to you.  "After you beat me last time, I've trained twice as hard, waiting for this moment."  Her insect-like smile curled up cruelly and you cringed.  "Shame you seem to let yourself go though."  She whispered into your ear.  Your opened your mouth, pure fury in your eyes.  "You...". Your voice was terrifying enough to scare any mortal man.  Unfortunately, you were dealing someone just as dangerous as you; another woman.

The Brograd leaned back, smirk on her face.  "Nevertheless, I challenge you human!  A fight!  To the death."  Morty moaned in the background as you leaned in until your face was an inch away from her.  "Bring it on b*tch."  "Then let my vengeance begin."  The Brograd said.  You narrowed your eyes, ignoring the concerned looks form Morty and terrified look from Rick.

—-Time Skip —-

After being marched out of the park, you were shoved into flying car, separate from Rick and Morty who were pushed into a car behind you.  The car with Rick followed you across town, trailing behind by a few dozen feet.  After a brief ride however, your entered a dark building and was separated from Rick by a door sealing your car in darkness.  "Where are you taking me?"  You asked finally, breaking the silence.  The Brograd female turned around, smiling cruelly.  "To your death."  As she spoke, a light began to appear at the end of the tunnel.  "To the Area of Death!"  She laughed and threw her arms out as the car entered the light, revealing a large area crowded with hundreds of Brograds and various other aliens.

"So I assume this is your equivalent of a judicial system?"  You said, looking at the blood-stained ground through the window.  She turned back at you.  "What's that?"  You shook your head.  "Nevermind."  You mumbled. 

Luckily, the conversation was interrupted by the car halting in the center of the arena.  "Get out."  The female Brograd demanded.  You stepped out and the crowd cheered, your face appearing on a large screen like your were on a kiss-cam at a basketball game.  Only this time, it looked like it might be the kiss of death.  Turning around, you looked back at the car, watching the the female Brograd stepped out.  "Ladies and gentleman!  Brograds and various employers!  I give you the woman who I have dedicated my life to killing!  And today, today will be the day all my training pays off!"  You cringed.  You didn't mind a fight, in fact, you were pumped for it, but then again, it had been a while since you had practiced your karate.  Either way, it was too late to turn back now.  Turning to the female Brograd, you gave her a thumbs up.  "Ready when you are... you glip glop."  you growled.

A/N: Hope you're ready for a cool fight scene next post!  I'm really excited to write up that part!  Also, if some of my chapter seems a little wonky this week, I have to admit I'm pretty sick and out of it.  Anyways, see you all next post!  Love you all!
~ <3 <3 ApocalypseRaccoon

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