Episode 2 - Part 1: Family is Strong when They Get Along

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Your P.O.V

    Stepping through the portal, you leaned against the door of the garage weakly. "Rick... Let's not to that again." You said. Rick pulled out his canteen and handed it to you. "Here. Best cure in the Wooorld." He burped. You took the canteen gratefully and began to gulp its contents down. Morty looked at Rick. "Y-you think Unity will be ok?" Rick shrugged. "Most likely." You finished drinking and placed the cap back on. You tossed the canteen to Rick and picked up his gooey green lab coat. "I'm... Going to go wash this." Rick raised his eyebrows slightly. "Oh? What's this? Growing a heart I see?" You scoffed. "I'll grow a heart on the day Jerry grows some balls." Rick covered his mouth. "Ohhhhhhhhhh! Burn!" He yelled. You smiled. "I'm just cleaning this up because I can't stand to have it ruin the carpet in the house." You turned to Morty. "Where's the laundry room?" Morty opened the door to the house and pointed down the hall. Third door down. Next to Rick's room." You nodded. "Alright... I'll.. be back soon."

3rd Person P.O.V

    Morty watched Y/N disappear around the corner and into the laundry room as Rick walked out of the room and into the kitchen. Opening up his cabinet, Rick grabbed a box of eye holes and tossed a few in his mouth. "H-hey Rick?" Morty looked up at his grandfather for a moment then down to his shoes. "I've been thinking." Rick scoffed. "Well that's a first." Morty ignored him and contined. "How do you think everyone will take Y/N being back? I bet mom would be overjoyed but Summer probably wouldn't even recognize her."
    Just then, the back door opened and Beth and Summer walked through the door, holding shopping bags and talking. "Speak of the devil." Rick mumbled, putting his eye holes away. "Hey sweetie!" Rick said, holding open his arms to his daughter in greeting. "Hey dad." Beth said smiling. "Hey Grandpa Rick." Summer said, setting down her bags. "We brought home some groceries." Beth said to Rick as Summer pulled out her phone and walked into he living room. "Do you want chicken or-" Before Beth could finished, Summer yelled from the other room. "Mom! Rick brought home a hooker!" Beth stared at her father. "What?"

Your P.O.V

    The girl stared at you over her phone as you stood awkwardly, wiping the remaining goo off your hands. You had just placed Rick's coat in the wash, making sure to set the temperature correctly. "Mom! Rick brought home a hooker!" The girl yelled. You scrunched up your face, offended. "Relax Summer." Rick said, walking in. Summer. You looked at your granddaughter in wonder. She was so grown up now. You looked to Rick's direction and put your hand over your mouth, muffling a small cry. Behind Rick came your daughter. "Beth!" You yelled, running for her. "M-mom!?!" Beth said, tears building up in her eyes. You embraced her. "Oh my gosh! Is it really you?" You pulled back from the hug and nodded. "Yea. It's me."

    While the two of you embraced again, Summer looked to Morty for guidance. "Wait... that's Grandma Y/N? I thought she died!" Morty shrugged. "Apparently her death was faked by the Council of Ricks to protect her." Summer furrowed her eyebrows. "Protect her from what?" Morty only shrugged. Beth finally let go of you and you placed your hands on her shoulders. "Where were you all this time? I-I thought you died. I went to your funeral and everything!" Tears streamed down her face. You narrowed your eyes. "Did you guys put the quote of my choosing on my tombstone?" Beth made a face. "No! We can't just write 'F*ck everyone god is dead' as your epitaph! We buried you in the Catholic Church's graveyard!" You crossed your arms and looked away. "Well whoop dee doo."

    You turned towards Summer. She made eye contact with you awkwardly then quickly averted her eyes. "It's ok if you don't remember me. I've forgotten plenty of people." "That's because you were drunk." Rick added. You waved your hand dismissively. "Well I'm sure I've also forgotten people normally too." Summer shook her head. "S-sorry. I don't remember..." You smiled and put your hand on her shoulder. "When you were a baby I held you and rocked your to sleep at night. Your favorite doll at the time was a stuffed pig named Hamilton and you couldn't fall asleep without him." Summer's face lit up at the name of her old doll. "Wow..." She said, lost for words. You nodded then gave her a hug. "You have no idea how much I missed your mother and you." You whispered into her ear. She smiled and closed her eyes, hugging you back.
Then the front door opened. "Hey guys! I'm home! What for din-". Jerry walked in and stopped dead in his tracks as he made eye contact with you. "G-ghost!" He yelled, falling to the ground and scooting away. You rolled your eyes at the same time as Rick. "Oh grow up Jerry. Ghosts can't sustain themselves in such a low radiation environment." You said. He pointed at you. "But you're dead!" You shook your head. "Fake death." Jerry looked at Beth then back to you. "How? Why?" You threw up your arms into the air in exasperation. "I don't know Jerry! You can't expect me to answer everything about my life!" Jerry got up. "Well how was I supposed to know! I barley knew you!" You nodded. "That's a good thing in my opinion." You mumbled to yourself. Morty hit his fist in his hand. "Hey I got an idea! Why don't we all spend some q-quality time with Y/N and catch up?" Beth and Summer nodded. "I'm not entirely sure I want to...". You looked down as Morty and into his bright eyes. "Please Grandma Y/N?" You stared a moment longer then sighed. "...Ok fine." Summer shot her hand up in the air. "I call Grandma first!" "Second!" Morty yelled. "Don't forget me! I'm her daughter!" Beth yelled. You turned to Rick and he gave you a thumbs up. Then, taking out his canteen, sat down and began to drink as Summer pulled you up to her room.

A/N: Here ya go! Another chapter!
Hope you all enjoy this. The next chapter will be you catching up with all your family and get some insight on the legacy you left being... more or less. Happy New year btw! (Unless you don't celebrate New Years now. But Happy New Year anyway.) XD
~ <3 <3 ApocalypseRaccoon (thank got 2016 is over)

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