Episode 4: Part 1 - The Adventures of Y/N and Morty

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Your P.O.V

Sighing, you placed your hands on your hips and looked around the room.  You had spent the last weekend with Beth and the grandkids unpacking a majority of your remaining belongings from a storage facility and placing them in the guest room.  "Thanks for the help sweetie. You can set down that box to clothes in the corner there by the dresser." You said to Beth.  She set down the box and sighed, smile on her face.  "I honestly can't believe you saved so much of my stuff!"  You exclaimed, looking through one of your boxes filled with dream catchers and undergarments.  Beth shook her head.  "Honestly I don't know either.  I guess I just didn't want to let go.  Or maybe I just knew you weren't dead." You smiled at her.  "Well I appreciate it."

You picked up a dream catcher.  "Hey Morty can you grab a nail and hammer please?"  Morty smiled and nodded.  "Y-yea sure!"  He ran out of the room.  You turned to Beth.  "Do you think this should go here..."  You held the dream catcher up to the wall. "Or here?"  Before Beth could reply, Summer spoke.  "Hey Grandma Y/N!" She lifted up a shirt.  "All these clothes are so old. We should go shopping again!"  You held you breath in fear, thinking of the last time you rode with Summer to the mall.  Luckily Beth was there to save you.  "Well not today young lady. You and Morty have to get to school."  Beth took the clothing from Summer and put it back in the box.  Summer slumped. "Awww but mmmooommm!"  Morty walked into the room and handed you a box of nails and a hammer.  "Sorry we c-can't stay longer Y/N.  S-summer and I got to get to school."

You shrugged.  "It's alright.  You two go grab those lunches I made for you and your books.  It doesn't go well on the school record to be late." The two nodded and rushed out of the room.  Beth turned to you and smiled.  "Well I ought to head to work now too.  There's a prize race horse who accidentally clipped off it's genitalia when trying to escape it's trailer.  It's up to me to save chances of reproduction."  You nodded.  "No time to waste then."  You said.  She nodded back and quickly left the room.  You picked up one of the nails Morty had brought to you.  Lining it up against the wall you raised the hammer and hit it three times.  Picking up the dream catcher you hung it on the wall and stepped back to admire your work. Nodding with approval you turned back to your cardboard boxes to unpack your undergarments.

As you began to dig through the box, sorting out the socks and undershirts, you heard loud, inconsistent footsteps making their way to your room.  You turned around to see a drunken Rick lean against you wall, spitting as he spoke.  "Y/N!  Y-*burp*-N!  I-I- You gotta come and see this!" You stood up and walked over to him.  "See what?"  Rick grabbed your shoulders.  "Th-EEEre's this huge shipment of crystals coming into the mafia dimension.  W-we gotta go and get some!"  You raised an eyebrow.  "Crystals?"  Rick nodded.  "H-have you ever had mafia dimension crystals before Y/N?  You grind em up into powder and snort it.  It's the best.  W-we gotta got get some!"

You shrugged and spoke.  "Alright."  Rick grabbed your hand and dragged you into the garage. Grabbing a box off the shelf, Rick shoved it into your arms and ran to the entrance of the garage.  "Choose yyyyour weapon." You looked in the box with awe.  "Rick! These are all my old weapons from our adventures!" Your eyes teared up.  "You kept them."  Rick turned to you.  "O-of course I kept them.  They're weapons.  I can use them.  By the way you might want to be careful with the quantum phaser and the anti-gravity boots.  M-morty broke them both."  You frowned as you picked up a half crushed boot.  "What did he do?  Fall off a cliff?" 

Setting the boots and quantum phaser to the side, you continued to dig through the box.  As you dug through the pile of weapons and old memories, you overheard Rick call out to Morty.  "Morty!  Morty come on!"  "I-I can't Rick. I've missed out on so much school recently a-and my grades are dropping."  "Who gives a sh*t Morty?  Grades are irrelevant!  Y-you think colleges looks at your grades Morty?  Y-your a white male applying for colleges run by old racist white men.  Yo-ou'll get in."  "I-I don't know Rick.. I mean I guess I could-" "Excellent."  Rick and Morty entered your line of vision.  "Go choose a weapon with Y/N over there."  Rick said.

Morty walked over to you humbly.  "Your going with us?"  Morty asked.  You nodded.  "Indeed I am."  Reaching into the box, you pulled out your favorite belt.  It was leather and old but there amount of pockets and gun holders on it was great for hiding all sorts of devices.  "Sweet."  You exclaimed, putting the belt around your waist. Grabbing two laser guns, you placed them on your belt.  "Here."  You said, handing Morty a small laser pistol, not nearly as good a quality as the ones you had just taken.  "T-thanks." He said, taking the gun cautiously.  Rick walked over to the two of you, gun in one hand, dimension gun in the other.  Aiming the dimension gun at the wall, Rick shot and a green portal opened up.  Rick pocketed the gun in his lab coat.  "Alright!  We're about to go to the home planet of mafia dimension.  I sugggggest you guys draw your guns.  Chances are things will get really sweaty reeeaaallll fast."  Morty made a face. "W-what do you mean?"  Rick stared at the portal.  "It means we might die as soon as we get there."  Before Morty could say a word, Rick pushed him through the portal.  "AHHHHH!"  You and Rick made eye contact and he shrugged.  Raising an eyebrow at him, you turned back to the portal and jumped through after your grandson.

A/N: ALLLLLLRIGHTY! Another chapter done! 
Hope you guys are excited for this new episode!  I can't wait to write more.  I hope you guys liked this chapter! Feel free to tell me any complaints or suggestions you have for this series or if you want me to start something new!  I already have a few requests and ideas for different x Reader stories but I have to wait till after my school work lightens up to start them.  Nevertheless, stay fabulous!
~ <3 <3 ApocalypseRaccoon (hello sleep deprivation my old friend)

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