Episode 9: Part 2 - A Day in the Life of Y/N Sanchez

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Your P.O.V

"B-but you're dead!?!"  Mrs. Peterson said, stuttering.  You broke into a grin.  "You'd think I'd die that easily?  Have a little faith in me Angela!"  Mrs. Peterson sunk to the ground.  "Holy sh*t... Holy Sh*t.  This is insane."  She mumbled.  Summer glanced worriedly from her teacher to you.  "Uh... how do you two know each other?" 

You glanced at your long time friend.  In reality, you never imagined Angela would still me in town.  She never was a fan of the local area.  You squared down and smiled comfortingly at her.  "You think I'd leave my best friend behind?"  Angela stared a moment before abruptly bursting into tears.  A few students and their parents stared awkwardly from outside other rooms at the commotion down the hall.

To avoid any more attention, you led Angela inside the classroom and sat her down at her desk.  Summer quickly closed the door and stood there, a few feet away from the two of you as you spoke.  "But- you- dead-  funeral-". Angela attempted to speak through her tears."  You patted her back.  "Let's be honest Angie.  You know what kind of sh*t Rick and I always went through.  You really think death was going to stop me?"  Angela grabbed a roll of towels which you assumed were meant for drying wet paintbrushes and wiped her eyes.  You rubbed her back comfortingly.  You knew she wanted to tell you so much as she had always been the talkative types but as of now, she was lost for words.

Finally, after a few minutes, she managed to speak.  "Y/N... I can't believe you're not- where have you been this whole time?"  You shrugged.  "I've sort of been in a frozen state against my will for the past decade or so, placed there by Rick.  Nothing too crazy."  Angela frowned.  "Told you that boy was no good."  You forced a laugh as you though of Rick.  You were in no mood to bring him into the conversation.  "Well what about you?  MRS. Peterson?  Did Johnny finally ask you?"  Angela nodded and flashed you her ring.  "Took him long enough."  She said.

The two of you laughed for a moment.  Taking the opportunity, Summer spoke.  "So uh... about my art grade."  "Done and done."  Angela said to Summer before abruptly turning back to you.  "Hey you free for dinner tonight?  Johnny would just be thrilled to see you again!"  "If thrilled means terrified."  You joked.  Angela laughed then stood up and hugged you tight.  "Don't you ever leave me again."  You were shocked for a moment but then melted into the hug.  "I won't.  I promise."

A/N: Sorry again for posting such short chapters but I'm really busy these coming weeks!  As a senior I have a lot of major projects for each class due as well as a plethora of exams, essays, labs, etc.  I also spend my weekends working on this year's robot for our school's robotics competition which leaves almost no time to get anything fun done.  I hope you can put up with some short chapters for a while.  At least until I can find more time again.

All Your OCs!!!

~Kate Sanchez~

~Kate Sanchez~

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~You're Ok I Promise~

~You're Ok I Promise~

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