Episode 7: Part 5 - That's Mime

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A/N: For this chapter, all dialogue is spoken through mind unless otherwise stated.

Your P.O.V

You were completely lost.  You had gone down the hall looking for the meditation room and seemed to find any room but.   Not only that, but as you tried to ask Rick for directions, you discovered he had left the channel.

As you wandered into yet another wrong room, you threw your arms up in defeat.  Sitting down on a large chair, you began to tinker with your earpiece in the hopes that you would be able to contact Rick.  The first channel you switched to seemed to be a large public channel, consisting of hundreds of voices.  It was practically impossible to keep up with any conversation.

Switching again, you found yourself in a much more private channel.  "Oh baby."  A male voice said.  A female voice giggled.  "Glorshibaf."  "Told you this trip would save our marriage."  You cringed.  "But not save my innocence.  Get a more private channel you two."  You said.  As you reached up to your earpiece to change the channel, you heard the angry muttering of at least a dozen previously silent listeners. You cringed again and quickly changed the channel.  "Well that was not what i was looking for at all."  You mumbled.  Getting up from the seat, you decided to head back to the main room and look at the control panel Rick had viewed earlier.

Luckily, finding your way back to the main room was much easier than finding the meditation room.  "Oh thank god."  You sped up your walking as you made your way over to the wall with the control panel.  However, as you approached the wall, you spotted Rick's lab coat in a pile in the corner.  Curious, you picked it up.  Inside you found his teleporter, the small bike you two had arrived on, an extra bottle of your pills, and his flask.  You shook your head in disbelief.  Rick would never leave his flask anywhere near the floor unless it was in his unconscious hands.

You looked up suspiciously at the hallway next to where the lab coat lay.  Through the hallway was dimly lit, you could till see steam flowing out of the spa.  You had no idea why Rick would forsaken his flask for a spa but then again, he did say it was supposed to be the second best spa in the galaxy.  Walking over to the door, you were about to know when you remembered the impossibility of sound for you jut opened the door and walked in.

As the door widened so did your jaw as you stared shocked at the sight of Rick banging the red headed receptionist from earlier.  Quickly, you slammed the door shut and crouched to the floor, head in your hands.  Instead of bursting into tears or storming in and demanding an apology, you instead gave the floor a murderous glare.  "Oh he is so dead.  And that little b*tch to!"  You wanted nothing more then to burst in and strangle the pair of them.  "No no no...". You mumbled, the dim light of the hallways casting terrifying shadows on your face.  "Patience Y/N.  Patience.  Revenge is always sweetest when it's aged with time."

Without saying another word, you let your face rest in an unreadable poker face position as you walked back down the hall. You quickly opened your pill bottle and took another dose.  Swooping up Rick's lab coat, you pulled out the portal gun and, setting it to a high-security weapons facility, pulled the trigger and leapt through the portal.

Rick's P.O.V

Rick turned in head confused.  He could have sworn he head seen the door movement of the corner of his eye.   Rick turned to the receptionist who was sitting on him.  "Hey maybe we should stop."  The redhead tilted her head before smiling.  "Done already?"  Rick shrugged.  "Well normally I would go on but I can't really get into it.. my uh... assistant."  "Ah!"  The alien said.  "You are not comfortable without another muse?  Not to worry.  Two others have just arrived."  Rick tensed up.  "Wh-what?" He said nervously.  "Do you wish for your assistant to join us?"  The alien asked.  Rick shook his head.  "Haha no way!  In fact... it's probably better if she doesn't know what's going on.  She might get jealous."  Rick laughed and the alien looked at him, more confused than anything.

The door to the spa opened and two more alien women walked in.  "My lord."  "My lord."  They both said, bowing.  Rick forced a smile.  "A-actually I think I done now."  The alien women looked surprised but did not protest.  "Very well." The receptionist said. "Then it is time."  Rick got up, zipping back up his pants.  "To do what?"  She asked.  The receptionist looked at him.  "For your wedding silly!"  Rick made a duck face as he was unable to come up with any sort of reaction other than, "uhhhh..."

One of the women grabbed his left arm and the receptionist grabbed his other as they began to drag him out of the room.  The door was helped open by the final women.  As they left the room, Rick began to struggle so hard that his loose pants slipped down to his ankles that were a good three inches off the ground.  "Wait wait wait!"  "Little too late for cold feet my Lord."  One of the women said jokingly.  The other two laughed.  As they entered the main room, Rick looked around desperately for the lab coat he had left behind only to find it and it's contents missing.  "W-where's my coat!?

The redhead smiled. "Don't worry you'll see your coat and all the rest of your belongings after the wedding.  They'll be moved to the palace.  Rick frowned.  "Look you all seem like really nice ladies which makes what I'm about to do kind of a d*ck move."  The redhead looked into his eyes.  "What?"  She asked just before Rick let out a fart, blowing up the windows, disarraying the furniture, and blowing up the heads of all three women.  As their blood sprayed over the floor, Rick hastily pulled up his pants and hopped on the teleporter.

The teleporter activated and Rick jumped through, teleporting to the lobby.  Quickly he scrambled off the device and began running in the opposite direction.  However, before he could get far, Rick ran hard into someone, knocking him to the floor.  "Ahh!"  Rick cringed and looked up to find a large Xlirones guard looming over him.  "My lord."  He boomed, helping Rick up.  Rick quickly got up and faced the group before him.  In addition to the guard was a women in a crown and a man beside her, both staring at him.

The women walked up to him, her beautiful lavender skin blending in with her midnight colored hair.  "Are you alright?"  She asked him softly.  Rick stared at him.  "Yea...". She smiled.  "Well I can't tell you how happy I am to finally reunite our two peoples!"  Rick smiled.  "Well if it's you we're talking about, I don't think this marriage is a bad idea!"  The women laughed.  "You flatter me Lord Yqosk!  But do you think it wise to flirt with the mother of your fiancée?"  She giggled.  "Speaking of witch, I don't think the two of you have properly met!  May I indtoduce you to my son and your dearly beloved, Prince Casrrisu!"

A/N: I really enjoyed writing this chapter and hoped you guys enjoyed it! Last chapter of this episode comes out hopefully next week.  I don't really have much to say this week so I'll just end the author's note here.
~ <3 <3 ApocalypseRaccoon



"Coda is the child of Sam (Samantha) and Rick Sanchez... so... Beth's Sister?"

 Beth's Sister?"

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