Episode 1 - Part 2: The Caller with 1,000 Voices

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Your P.O.V

Your arms stood crossed and you tapped your foot irritability.  Morty looked from a calm looking Rick back to you.  "H-hey Unity!" Rick said energetically.  You growled but said nothing.  "Can I come by and visit?  Of corse!"  Rick said.  "I'll be there in a few."  He quickly flipped the phone shit and began to walk towards the garage.  You quickly ran up to his side.  "Who is Unity?"  You repeated, this time hoping for an answer.  Rick opened the door and walked through, immediately beginning to dig through one of the many boxes.  "She's a close friend of mine Y/N.  Reeeeeal close."  Your eyes went from silted to practically invisible as you glared harshly at you husband.  Rick looked up and caught your look.  Scoffing, he said, "What?  Did you not expect me to talk to multiple minded entities while you were away?"  Rick dug around for another second before pulling out an old white lab coat.  "See now I have to wear this cooooat.  Alright Morty let's go."  Rick opened up the portal using his portal gun and was about to step through before you intervened.  "Oh no you don't.  I'm coming with you.

Rick threw up his arms.  "What!?  No way."  Now it was your turn to scoff.  "Why not?  If you and Unity are as 'close friends' as you think why not let her meet me?"  Rick stared at you for a moment before finally giving in.  "Ok fine.  But no one talks there except me."  He pointed at Morty.  "Last time you were there you and your sister started a nipple war."  "That was Summer!"  Morty yelled defensively.  "Yea yea.  Tell that to the judge."  Rick said before walking through the portal.  Quickly you and Morty followed.

When you emerged on the other side of the portal you looked around in awe.  "My god look at the art style!.... I don't like it."  You said, awe expression fading to disappointment.  "W-wow.  Looks like Unity really cleaned up once she got back."  Morty said, watching the aliens that were now approaching.  "Rick!"  The women said.  She gave a forced smile.  "Morty it's good to see you as well.  I see you didn't bring your sister this time."  The Unity women turned to you.  "And who might you be?  You seem a little old to be one of Rick's grandkids."  You laughed as the comment and shook your head.  "No I'm actually-" Rick cut you off.  "My niece!"  He said.  "Her name's Y/N."  The Unity man stepped forward and stuck out his hand.  "Well hello Y/N.  We are Unity."  The man gestured to all the rest of the aliens who were wandering around.  You shook his hand.  "Hello.  It's such a pleasure to meet you."  You said, grimacing.  The handshake went on for a bit longer.  A little too long.  The alien made a face and tried to pull away but you tightened your grip.  Finally he was able to pull his hand away.  "I'm sensing some tension between us.  I do not recall anything unjustified I have done to you."  "That's what you think."  You mumbled to your self. 

"Just ignore her.  She's a little.."  Rick pointed to his head and made the coo coo signal.  "If you know what I mean."  Rick wrapped his arms around the two aliens and began walking with them too what looked like the main palace.  "Make sure you two don't start any wars!"  He yelled.  You were about to follow but Morty grabbed your arm.  "H-Hey Y/N?"  I know you and Rick was having some marriage issues but Unity isn't really into Rick is that way anymore."  "Anymore?"  You scoffed, looking off him his direction.  "L-Let's just go explore or go eat or something.  You haven't eaten anything since leaving that chamber right?"  You sighed.  "I trust you.  Alright, let's go."

3rd Person P.O.V

Rick sunk down into the first chair he found.  "So what you want to do this time?  More red-heads?"  Unity sighed and sat down.  "Rick... I just do... THIS anymore."  The women host that had sat down waved their arms, pointing to herself and Rick.  "It isn't healthy.  I really appreciate your mind but I have to do what's best for me."  Rick thought for a moment then shrugged, taking a swig from his canteen.  "Alright."  He said.  The Unity hosts looked up in surprise.  "Just alright?  That's it?"  Rick shrugged. "It's your decision and I can respect that.  Your a good multi-minded being Unity."  The Unity hosts squinted their eyes as they looked at him.  "Something different about you."  Unity said.  Rick rolled his eyes.  "Well duh!  My other lab coat got covered in green goo thanks to Y/N.  I'm wearing one that's too small."  The women Unity nodded.  "I suppose that's one of the reasons but it's something else too... I just can't place my fingers on it."

A/N: Sorry I haven't posted in so long.  I meant to do this over the weekend but ran out a time.  I didn't sleep at all last night so it basically took me forever to finish this because I kept falling asleep sitting up.  Hope you enjoyed and sorry to cut it off so quickly.  I plan to finish the part 3 as soon as I can.
~ <3 <3 ApocalypseRaccoon (starting to see signs of Logan movie and crying on the inside and outside)

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