Episode 5: Part 4 - Mission: Morty

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Morty's P.O.V

Morty glanced worriedly at the dark frame of the door, listening to the muffled sound of alarms going off in the distance.  "WARNING: INTRUDERS: LEVEL 10."  "Ohhhhhhhh boy.  Oh boy oh boy."  Morty mumbled, clutching his head in his hands.  Morty had no idea what was going on but he could only assume is was something big.... And dangerous.  Morty mumbled again as he heard gunshots not far off.  He was stuck in a ship under attack, without any idea what was going on, and most importantly of all, without Rick.  Morty bit his lip nervously.

Morty's was fear heightened yet again as he began to hear noises from the side of his cell, opposite to the door.  Morty quickly scrambled over to the door and leaned against it as he watched an orange outline of molten metal form on the wall.  Morty braced himself for the end and closed his eyes.  He heard the makeshift entrance open with a bang as the wall fell in, not far from Morty's feet.  "M-morty! Morty!  come one we gotta go.  You can be traumatized later!"  The familiar voice of Rick caused Morty to look up in surprise.  "Grandpa Rick!"  He yelled, hopping up.  Morty ran towards his Grandpa and hugged him tightly.  Rick rolled his eyes and dislodged his grandson's hands from around his neck.

"I-I'm so glad you're here!  I didn't know w-what happened.  O-one s-second I was with you guys then I found myself w-with the federation.  Then t-there were alarms, and you busted through the wall...W-why didn't you use the door?". Morty paused and looked up a Rick questioningly.  At the same time, Morty spotted the other Ricks frowning at him or rolling their eyes.  "W-what? Ohhhhh.  Um.  R-rick?"  Morty chocked on his words.  Rick followed Morty's eyes to the other Ricks.  "Look M-Morty these losers aren't worth explaining.  A-and the reason we busted through the wall was cause SOMEBODY created a gps that didn't factor in doors!  You'd think the smartest guy in the universe would add that feature but nope!  But that's why we have guns Morty."  Rick said, leaning into Morty's face with a crazy look in his eye.  "Guns are a ticket in even when there are no doors!"  Saliva hit Morty in the face.  "B-but what about gun violence Rick?  People get hurt ya know."  "Yea that's cause idiots are allowed to have them.  Y-you think I'm an idiot Morty?!? Cause my other self didn't add doors into his location device!?! Huh?!?"

One of the other Rick's rolled his eyes once more as Rick shook Morty by his shoulders.  "That's enough!"  He finally yelled.  Morty assumed that Rick to be the leader.  The lead Rick stepped forward.  "Our mission is not yet complete."  The lead Rick burped and Morty turned to his Rick.  "W-what does he mean?"  Rick sighed.  "Long story short the bugs got Y/N.  Most likely the idiots are trying to interrogate her right now.  Once we get her out...". Rick paused for a short moment before finishing the sentence.  "These f*cks will take Y/N back to the Council."  Morty looked up surprised.  "W-what?  No!  We can't let them do that to her!  Those tubes looked horrible!"  Rick furrowed his brow.  "Hey there not that bad!  They project you most favorite memories for an eternity!"  Morty frowned.  "But what about the clone you planted in the tube as we left?"  "Not completely organic material, it eventually disintegrated over time."

One of the Ricks looked up from his device.  "Sir.  The federation seems to be condensing their forces around Y/N's enclosure and creating a path to the escape pods."  The lead Rick narrowed his eyes.  "There trying to get her off the ship."    Lead Rick turned to his men.  "We've wasted enough time already!  S-134-137 go with Y-94 and break down their forces.  We'll follow in suit."  The Rick's nodded and half of the group ran forward down the hall.  Seconds later, gunfire could be heard.  The lead Rick turned to Morty and his grandpa.  "It might be best you two go now while the forces are concentrated in such a small area."  Rick nodded but Morty shook his head.  "R-Rick we can't leave her with these guys!"  Rick shrugged.  "A deal's a deal."  The lead Rick turned to Morty.  "Your Rick is right kiiiiidddd.  He swore on the council AND his existence that he wouldn't take Y/N back."  Morty stared in shock as, with a tip of his hat, the Lead Rick followed the rest of his soldiers down the hall.  "See ya never dipsh*ts."  He called back before disappearing.

As soon as the Lead Rick had turned the corner, Rick quickly ran over to a vent shaft.  "Q-quick M-Morty! This way!"  He said, voice just audible over the alarms.  Morty stomped his foot down.  "N-no!  Rick you can't just abandon Y/N like that!  I-...I can't believe you!"  Rick rolled his eyes.  "M-moooorrrttyy.  Use what little Jerry-infected brainpower you have left and think for two seconds.  I swore I wouldn't bring her back.  I never said anything about her own freewill."  Morty opened his mouth like a fish as he slowly began to understand the situation.  Rick rubbed his temples then, grabbing Morty's hand, dragged him towards the vent. 

A/N: Sorry I posted this kinda late!  I was having trouble deciding how Rick and Morty were going to get to Y/N without the other Ricks.  Anyway, as always, I hoped you enjoyed this chapter and I look forward to posting again next week!
~ <3 <3 ApocalypseRaccoon (*majestic music in background*)

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