Episode 11: Part 4 - The Ghost and a Spell

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Your P.O.V

"Ok I just called Rick.  He should be home any second." You said loudly, trying to talk to Beth across the room.  Meanwhile, the ghost continued to moan, circling the room endlessly.  Beth nodded then raised her voice back.  "Sounds good."  She paused a moment, thinking.  "Has he ever... you know, actually dealt with a... ghost before?"  Just as she was finishing her sentence, a green portal appeared behind you in the hallway and Rick, Morty, and Summer stepped into the room.  "I-It'ssssss not a ghost."  Rick burped and stuttered with his words, alcohol clearly on his breath.  "IIIIIIIt's simply a sentient projection I had stored and that SOMEONE,". Rick glared around the room but his eyes locked on Jerry as he continued to speak.  "Must have let out."  Summer and Morty both stared at their father, Summer in anger and Morty in disappointment.  "Dad!"  "Come on!"  They both exclaimed over one another.  Jerry looked as if he wanted to retaliate but, glancing up at the projection, remained silent.

Rick walked up beside you at the doorway and glanced at the projection.  "So what is the purpose of this thing exactly?"  Rick shrugged.  "Who knows!  I st-ooooolle it a long while back from a Sh*tiana Jones looking place.  Thought it would make a good Halloween decoration.  Guess I forgot about it though."  "So it's harmless then!"  You said, somewhat relieved.  Rick nodded.  "As a projection it can't do anything besides glow and whine.  I'll go get it's chamber from the garage.  Be right back."  Rick said, walking out of the room.  As Rick left, Summer turned to Jerry, hands on hips.  "Dad.  Why did you go through Rick's stuff!?! Out of all people here I feel like you are the least qualified."  Morty stepped up behind his sister.  "Y-yea.  No offense dad but... I mean, Summer's right!  Y-ya know?  Even I don't go though Rick's stuff a-and we go on adventures all the time!"

Jerry threw his arms up in the air.  "That's the problem!"  The children's eyes widened in surprise.  "You guys hang out so often with Rick but,". Jerry's teared up and a bit of snot ran out of one nostril.  "What about me?  Even on father's day you guys choose to hang out with him over me!"  Jerry gave an uncomfortable laugh.  "Y-you even gave him gifts!!!"  He said in between laughs.  You raised an eyebrow.  This was certainly surprising.  It wasn't often Jerry had enough courage to b*tch to people's faces.  You looked at Beth and the kids.  They too were equally shocked.  You watched as Summer turned and looked down at Morty.  The only think breaking the silence was the moaning projection and the sound of footsteps behind you.

Turning your head, you spotted Rick making his way back into the room, hand around a rather smashed-up looking box.  "Well isn't this f*cking fantastic."  Rick declared.  "Thanks to sh*t fingers over there, the containment chamber is broken."  You frowned.  "Can you fix it?" You asked.  Rick shook his head.  "I can but it's easier to just buy a new one.  These containment chambers are like the equivalent of condoms at a dollar store; they mostly work and it's easier to just replace than reuse."  You cringed at the comparison but said nothing.  "I just need to run out a buy it."  "No."  Once again, everyone's eyes fell on Jerry.

Rick raised his eyebrow and looked at you but you could only cringe and look back as Jerry continued to speak.  "I created the problem, I can fix it."  Jerry looked at Beth for support who, instinctively, looked over to you and Rick.  "I-". She struggled to read your emotions as she replied to her husband.  Out of the corner of your eye you saw Rick shrug in her direction.  "I guueessss?"  She said slowly, unsure exactly how to react. 

Jerry however, had a look of surprise and excitement on his face.  "Oh!  Wait really?"  He turned and looked at you and Rick.  You nodded and Rick shrugged as Jerry's eyes widened.  "Ah-ha.  Oh my god!"  He said, clearly excited.  Quickly he grew serious again.  "Don't worry.  I will take care of this or my name isn't Jerry Smith!!!"  Summer glanced up at the projection.  "And how is that exactly?"  Jerry pulled his phone out of his pocket, a smug smile on his face.  "By having the right connections."

A/N:  Hey all!  Hope you enjoyed this weeks chapter!  I had a lot of writer's block this chapter but I think it turned out all right!  Until next week!

~ <3 <3 ApocalypseRaccoon

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