Episode 5: Part 2 - Mission: Morty

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A/N: Just quick before we begin.... The chair they put you in is the same one Rick was put in during S3 ep1.  If you haven't watched that episode please do.  I don't want to accidentally spoil anything for you.

Your P.O.V

"Ma'm please stop trying to kick us in the crotch.  If you are aiming for our genitals I'll have you know our species has them up here."  The bug alien said, pointing to the flaps on his face that also served as his mouth.  You scrunched up your face in disgust.  "Good to know."  You said before attempting to kick the guard in the face but to no avail.  The bug sighed.  "Ma'm we really insist you calm down.  Your husband is currently in the middle of questioning." "Quit telling me that!  If it was true, why did you strap me down to this thing?"  You screamed at them. 

Prior to your most current conversation with the guard, as soon as the guards had taken you away from Rick, they brought you to a small room off to the side consisting of two small chairs with helmet-like devices on the top.  Connected to the helmet-like devices was hundreds of small wires leading to a large computer where a group of aliens were monitoring what you supposed were the stats of one of the bug soldiers already seated in one of the chairs.  They had strapped you down into the second chair and had begun running what you could only assume were preparations for whatever the machine was about to do to you.

"You're not turning me into one of you right!?!"  You yelled as the guards lowered the helmet onto your head.  The guard who had been speaking to you laughed.  "What?  No no.  This device will simply ask you a few questions that's all."  You opened your mouth to speak again but the guard simply waved his hand at you.  "Night night."  He said.  Then, all of a sudden, everything went black.

Rick's P.O.V

"You guys got a lllllllot of nerve trying to get information out of me.  It's like trying to break Chuck Noris.  You hear?  My mind is Chuck Noris."  Rick said as he and the guards walked down the hallway.  "You are one of the most wanted galactic criminals in history.  You're lucky we are being so lenient on your family."  One of the guards said.  Rick glared at the guard but didn't reply to the conversation.  Instead, Rick tried changing topics.  "So how is this interrogation going to work?  You going to drug me?  Beat me?  Come on I bet it's something along those lines.  You guys don't have the creativity to do anything better."  Rick mocked.

Suddenly, the roof above the guards and Rick collapsed, knocked down or crushing over half of the escort.  Rick jumped in surprise as through the roof a multitude of other Ricks began to land on the remaining guards, shooting them.  "Rick C-137!". The lead Rick said, wiping some federation blood off his coat.  "W-W-What are you doing here?"  Rick said burping.  "I thought you found me Rick-pulsive (repulsive)?"  The lead Rick nodded.  "Wow.  We got a real genius here."  He said sarcastically to the other Rick soldiers before turning back to Rick.  "We could give less than two sh*ts about you.  Don't get me wrong, the council would be more than happy if I killed you right here and now but you are not the main objective."  Rick raised an eyebrow.  "S-so what's the main objective then?  Finally trying to take down these guys?"  Rick asked, gesturing to the dead federation guards on the floor.  He laughed.  "I can see why you only brought 10 some guys.  Innnn all honestly though it would only take about one of us."  Rick reached into his lab coat and pulled out his trusty canteen, taking a deep swig.  The Rick leader shook his head.  "Not today.  Today we came for a different mission.  Today we came to retrieve Y/N Sanchez C-137."

Rick's eyes widened and he chocked on his drink.  The other Ricks waited in judgmental silence as Rick engaged in a brief but violent coughing fit.  "H-hey". He croaked unsteadily.  "What makes you think you can just take her away from me?  W-what are you?  The wife-napping squad?"  The lead Rick shook his head.  "The council is simply worried about Y/N's heath as should you.  You know the consequences of Y/N being out of the cryochamber.  Who knows how much longer she'll last."  Rick glared at the lead Rick.  "Back off.  You know I have rights to the Y/N room and my Y/N;  if I'm part of the council or not.  That was the deal."  The Rick leader nodded.  "We know and we thank you for the cryochambers.  But to you really want to be responsible for what is to come next?"  Rick relaxed his glare and the lead Rick leaned back.  "That's what I thought."

"Sir there is a squad of guards approaching from the east hall!"  One of the Ricks yelled.  "Ricks S-234-237 guard our backs!"  The Rick leader yelled.  Four of the 10 Ricks ran past Rick and Rick leader and crouched facing the east hall.  Rick sighed and turned to the lead Rick.  "Alright listen... I may not agree with your Rickdiculous wife-napping plan but these sh*tsticks have my Morty and Y/N.  And since I'm not stupid like these f*cknuggets,". Rick said, pointing at the dead federation guards under his feet.  "I find it most beneficial to go with you guys."  The lead Rick nodded and placed his hand on Rick's shoulder.  "You're a smart Rick."  Rick brushed lead Rick's hand off his shoulder.  "I g-get that a lot.  Now let's go get my wife."

A/N:  Ok so basically, I never thought it would be this hard to write about so many Ricks but it was.  Hope you enjoyed this chapter.  But in case any of you are confused, there is something wrong with Y/N but I haven't revealed it yet.  However, it was your Rick that created the crychamber as I mentioned way back in ep 3 part 2.  I can't wait to continue this next week!
~ <3 <3 ApocalypseRaccoon

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