Episode 8: Part 2 - The Long, Dramatic Episode

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Your P.O.V

You were quiet as you sat in your room, trying to process all Rick had said.  He said you were going to die young.  What the hell did he mean by that?  You rubbed your fingers over the portal gun and glanced at your bedside table where there sat a picture of you and Rick laughing.   However, as you looked at it now, a large pill bottle hid him from view and you turned your eyes back to the portal gun. 

You had yet to give it back to Rick but after your most recent conversation with him, you were rather reluctant.  You wanted answers.  Answers you knew only Rick had.  But how could you get those answers without talking to him?  You tossed the gun to the side and placed your head in your hands, sighing loudly.  You wished you had never seen taken out of the cryochamber in the first place.  Sure you would still be imprisoned but at least you wouldn't be anywhere near Rick.
As you pondered over your most recent dilemma, you were reminded of where everything had began.  A place full of Ricks.  Ricks that, possibly, had the answers you were looking for.  Your eyes shifted to the portal gun then to the door to your room.  All was silent.  Narrowing your eyes, you grabbed the pill bottle, portal gun, and a bag with a few more items in it.  Aiming the portal gun at your door, you set it for the Citadel of Ricks and fired.

Your eyes reflected the green light of the portal as you stormed towards it and stormed through.  As your eyes adjusted to the bright Citadel, you heard murders as Ricks and Morty's alike stared in shock.  Some looked at you in fear, knowing full well the wrath you had in store for whatever poor Rick you were married to.  Others seemed to look on in a hidden sadness, you reminding them of their own love whom they could never see.  You had heard Rick mention the Citadel a few times before but it was so much larger than you anticipated.  You had no idea there were so many Ricks and Mortys.

However, before you could go more than a few feet, Two Ricks on some sort of hovercraft flew down in front of you.  "Y/N C-137?"  They asked.  You nodded.  "What do you want?  Come to bring me back to that cryochamber?"  You tensed, already forming a plan to kick them both in the balls and highjack their craft.  Surprisingly, the Rick driving shook his head.  "The Council of Ricks have requested your presence.  They wish to speak to you regarding your inquiries about Rick C-137."  "How did-". You shook your head.  Of course they knew why you were here.  Why else would you go to a place that had kept you hostage unless you needed to know something that your Rick could never tell. 

"Alright."  You said.  The Rick in the passenger seat of the craft hopped out, holding the door for you as you stepped in.  Closing the door behind you, he patted the car twice and the Rick in the driver's seat stepped on the gas.  The car shot off over the city and towards a large building in the distance that you hadn't seen from your spot on the ground.

As you flew over the city, you glanced downward at the tiny specks walking around.  You wondered what their relationships with their Y/Ns were like.  Did any of them cheat on you?  You rolled your eyes.  Who were you kidding?  They were Ricks.  You couldn't imagine a single one of them who wouldn't cheat.  You glanced at the Rick driving the hovercraft, his eyes never straying from the road.  As you glared in his direction, a bead of sweat rolled down his cheek.  You were the one person Ricks feared most of all... his wife.

The hovercraft quickly made it's way to what you could only assume was the Council's building.  Landing, a Rick with pink hair quickly opened your door and tired to help you out but you shook your head.  "No.  I got this."  The Rick scoffed and put one hand on his hip.  "Well exxxxxccccuse me sassy pants!"  You frowned at him but he remained unfazed.  "This way."  He said, sashaying down the walkway.  You followed, more confused by this different Rick than angry.  The pink haired Rick led you into a pair of large double doors and into a large, circular room where a collection of Ricks with strange hairstyles stood in a corner, conversing with one another.  "She's here!"  The pink haired Rick called out.  The Ricks immediately turned to face you.  "Y/N C-137?"  One Rick with a sort of rectangle hair asked.  You crossed your arms.  "Yea that's me.  And I have questions I need answered.  First off-"

One of the Ricks held up his hand.  "Whhhoooaa whoa whoa.  Let us get ready first."  The Ricks quickly disappeared behind a large desk.  After a moment of shuffaling and the sound of mechanics, the Ricks rose to the top of the desk.  You raised a brow.  "Really?"  The Rick with the rectangular hair looked at you.  "What?  We like to sit in style."  You sighed and rolled your eyes.  "Anyway, as I was saying.  I have questions.  Why am I-" "Dying?  Stuck in a cryochamber for all those years?"  A Rick with circular hair finished.  You opened your mouth to respond but he waved his hand.  "It's really not that hard to figure out.  I mean," He laughed and guestured to the council.  "we're Ricks after all.  That's what we do.  Cause we're f*cking awesome!"  All the other Ricks cheered and high fives each other. 

"Um excuse me?"  You said loudly, your voice rising above their celebration.  The circular haired Rick cleared his throat.  "Alright.  But I just want to you know they only reason I'm telling you anything instead of placing you back in that cryochamber is because I f*cking hate your Rick. It'll be fun to see him suffer"  You scoffed then muttered, "You and me both bud."  The Rick nodded his head.  "Well if you came for answers then that's what you'll get.  Now, where do you want us to start?"

A/N: Hey you guys!  So I won't be able to post next week cause it's the week before my finals and I have to study but after that I'll be on winter break and my goal is to post every few days.  Sorry for leaving you on a cliffhanger.  But isn't this exciting?  Finally we get some answers!!  Hope you enjoyed this week's chapter and stay fabulous!!!
~ <3 <3 ApocalypseRaccoon



"More art of Aella.  Song: Broken by Lund."


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