Episode 10: Part 4 - Return of Ricardo

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Your P.O.V

While looks sadly couldn't kill, the scowl you gave Rick was enough to strike fear in any living creature.  "What the hell are you doing here!" You hissed, careful to not to raise your voice too loud.  You didn't want to draw the attention of anyone in the restaurant.  "I am in the middle of a date!  Go bother someone else for a while!"  Rick rolled his eyes as he looked through the window a Ricardo.  "Yea you really looked like you were enjoying yourself."  Rick mumbled sarcastically.  You raised your voice slightly, drawing the attention of a few passerbys.  "Excuse me!?!"  You placed your hands on your hips but Rick quickly grabbed your shoulders in an attempt to quiet you down.  "Hey chill for a second I'm trying to apologize ok?"  You scoffed.  "Yea well you're really doing a great job at it aren't you?"

"What sorry half-assed excuse did you come up with this time?"  You shifted your arms from your hips to your chest, crossing them over one another in annoyance.   Rick took his hands off your shoulders.  "None.  No excuses, no one else's fault but mine."  You were immediately dumbstruck.  Rick had never blamed himself before.  Rick stared at you desperately searching for a reaction.  "There!  I said it!  You happy?"  He said, raising his voice a bit.  "Im a sorry excuse for a human being.  I'm sorry for cheating, lying, stalking you to your lame-ass boyfriend's date, locking you in a cryochamber, the list seriously can go on forever.  Like, I think if I tried apologizing for everything I've ever done we'd be out here the rest of our lives."  Rick rubbed the back of his neck and refused to meet your gaze.  It was silent a moment before Rick mumbled something under his breath.  You managed to choke out a weak "w-what?"  And Rick glared at you.  "I said I'm sorry ok!?!"  Rick then put his hands up in surrender.  "I'm probably putting you in a sh*t ton of danger just saying this but...". Rick grabbed your trembling hand and held it gently.  In a lower voice he almost whispered, "I love you Y/N.  Kind of weird cause love is one of the most useless emotions we've got but I love you.  I'm afraid if I show it too much, I'll put you, Beth, and the kids in danger, but I just had to let you know.  You're a one of a kind and ain't nothing ever going to replace you." 

A lone car drove by, annunciating the emotion of Rick's face as it's headlights invaded the space between the two of you.  Rick was staring desperately at you for any reaction, a faint concern in his eyes before he decided to break the silence.  "Now I know that's not an excuse for what I've done and I don't expect you to ever forgive me, but I just thought you needed to know."  Then, Rick dropped your hand and reached into his lab coat, withdrawing his trusty flask.  With a deep swig, Rick took one last look at you before turning away.  "Good luck with your date!  Just so you know, he's a lot richer than he lets on!"  You watched him walk off down the dimly lit street.  You stood there for a few minutes, wracked with an incomprehensible array of emotions as you tried to work out the things Rick had just said. 

As you stood there, you felt a few small droplets land on your hand and you looked up to the sky.  To your surprise, the dark sky was devoid of a single rain cloud.  Instead, it was filled with thousands of blurred stars.  Bringing your trembling hand to your cheek, you notice a small trail of liquid leading to your eye and realized you were crying.  You slumped to the ground as the realization of your tears was the breaking point for your already weak legs and you embraced the feel of the cool pavement as you desperately tried to control your breathing.   The small stream of tears turned into a flood and you sobbed into your hands as you trembled uncontrollably.  You no longer cared about who heard you and how they could react, all you could do was focus on the same three words Rick had mentioned that echoed over and over in your head.  "I love you."  Sure he had said it so many times before but hearing it now and seeing that look in Rick's eye gave it so much more meaning.  But after all he had done, were you ready to forgive him?

A/N: Hope you all enjoyed this chapter!  Took me forever to figure out what I wanted Rick to say cause god knows I'm not good with that sort of lovey-dovey stuff.  Now I know Rick is still in deep trouble for what he's done but do you guys think he's on his way to redemption of not?  Tell me in the comments below!
~ <3 <3 ApocalypseRaccoon

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