9. the one where (some of) thomas' questions are answered

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Thomas has added Logically Thinking and Hi I'm Dad into the chat.

Thomas: didn't want to risk waking up sleeping beauty and prince in case they're sleeping in

Thomas: anyway, can you explain stuff to me

Hi I'm Dad: "stuff" is a general term, used for things that are being referred to.

Thomas: shush i actually want to know something

Logically Thinking: Of course. What do you want to know?

Thomas: you keep mentioning their rooms and the common area, but where are they? are they in my head?

Logically Thinking: Almost. Think of there being a second, invisible layer on the earth. I suppose you could say it's in your mind, however you can't access it.

Hi I'm Dad: think of it as a candy shop but you have no money!!

Thomas: thanks

Logically Thinking: Anyway, the common area is where we all hang out. When we "sink down" that's generally where we go, as it takes less energy to go there.

Thomas: and their rooms?

Hi I'm Dad: there are a few hallways going in different directions from the common, one of them leads to mine and Logic's. also Anxiety's room, which we only found out a few days ago!

Logically Thinking: Yes, and it takes a lot of energy to go to a specific, smaller space such as a room.

Thomas: so I'm guessing I made the right call by not asking these in the group chat 

Hi I'm Dad: yep! Prince can get scary when he's tired

Logically Thinking: Understatement.

Thomas: wow, really??

Hi I'm Dad: think of how Anxiety was when he first appeared and multiply that bitterness by 1000%

Thomas: woah.

Thomas: wait, first appeared? I thought he was always there...

Logically Thinking: He actually appeared last out of all of us.

Hi I'm Dad: yep, he's the youngest!!

Thomas: WHAT?!

Hi I'm Dad: I appeared first, so that makes me the oldest. the dad of the group, if you will

Logically Thinking: Even as a kid, you loved those ridiculous dad jokes and liked making people happy. I appeared a bit after, when you matured enough to reason logically and started learning more things.

Thomas: I'm guessing Prince came along when I was 10-ish

Logically Thinking: That would be correct.

Hi I'm Dad: and Anxiety appeared during your early teen years!

Thomas: that sounds about right

Thomas: speaking of, does that mean you guys have birthdays?

Hi I'm Dad: I just realised you don't know!!!

Logically Thinking: Well, we did only start physically interacting with Thomas properly about a year ago.

Thomas: so who's the next birthday??

Hi I'm Dad: I believe it's Anxiety

Logically Thinking: He's never told us exactly when it is though.

Hi I'm Dad: but we're all a lot closer now!!! maybe this year he'll tell us now!

Thomas: hopefully! we'll have to make it spectacular!

Logically Thinking: Spectacular? For Anxiety?

Hi I'm Dad: don't be rude!!

Logically Thinking: No, I'm just saying. Anxiety may get... overwhelmed.

Thomas: oh, you're right

Hi I'm Dad: so no surprise parties?

Logically Thinking: No surprise parties.

Hi I'm Dad: then what am I supposed to do with all these streamers and balloons?

Logically Thinking: Please don't tell me you've already done up the common.

Hi I'm Dad: {common-party.jpg} I couldn't help it!

Thomas: woah, how'd you do that so quickly?

Hi I'm Dad: with a lot of energy!

Logically Thinking: We can manipulate certain rooms in our plane of existence, but it takes quite a lot of power.

Thomas: power?


Logically Thinking: I so can!! I just don't see the point! And it's Prince and I, not me and Prince!

Hi I'm Dad: he's lying!! I know because he always complains about not being able to change his room into his ideal study space at will!

Thomas: this is so funny to me

Logically Thinking: At least I can accurately put to use combinations of our english alphabet bigger than ten letters.

Hi I'm Dad: stop using fancy-pancy words!

Logically Thinking: Fancy-pancy?

Thomas: it's because he's a fancy-pancy guy

Logically Thinking: Ugh.


A/N I'm really happy because it's raining right now. It's been ages since it's properly rained like this week! (Good ol' Australia. When we're not in a drought we're in a flood.)

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