24. the one where logic and morality bond

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Logically Thinking and Hi I'm Dad🦋.

Logically Thinking: Everyone seems to be acting weirdly lately.

Hi I'm Dad🦋: I noticed it too!

Logically Thinking: I just wish I knew why...

Hi I'm Dad🦋: just a quick question, who in particular do you think are acting weird and why??

Logically Thinking: Prince and Anxiety, of course! I mean, they're so casual around each other now even though a few weeks ago neither would be caught dead talking to each other. I just wish I knew why!

Hi I'm Dad🦋: maybe Anxiety needed someone he could rely on??? Prince is good with comforting people...

Logically Thinking: I suppose. That still doesn't explain the other thing though.

Hi I'm Dad🦋: what other thing?

Logically Thinking: Haven't you noticed? They've been blatantly flirting and honestly I'm tired of pretending like I don't see it. Yet it doesn't appear like either of them know that they're doing it!

Hi I'm Dad🦋: well...

Logically Thinking: What? What have I missed?

Hi I'm Dad🦋: whoops, forget I said that!

Logically Thinking: No, tell me. I want to hear what you have to say.

Hi I'm Dad🦋: I was just gonna say that maybe they don't know that they like each other and are confused on how to act!! that's all!!

Logically Thinking: That's what I was implying... Seriously, the exact same thing.

Hi I'm Dad🦋: that's why I didn't want to say anything!

Logically Thinking: Ah, of course. Sorry for the misunderstanding.

Hi I'm Dad🦋: no, no it was entirely my fault!! haha

Logically Thinking: You really should let people apologise.

Hi I'm Dad🦋: but... it was my fault??

Logically Thinking: No, I should've clarified.

Hi I'm Dad🦋: fine! I wasn't going to say that which is why I don't want you to apologise!!!

Logically Thinking: Oh. Well in that case, let's hear it.

Hi I'm Dad🦋: it was nothing!!

Logically Thinking: ...You're a terrible liar, however I'm willing to let it go.

Hi I'm Dad🦋: thanks! anyways, how are you?

Logically Thinking: Perfectly healthy, why?

Hi I'm Dad🦋: I have no clue, just wondering!!!

Logically Thinking: You know, I find it odd that our rooms are right across from each other and yet we're texting.

Hi I'm Dad🦋: are you asking me to come over??

Logically Thinking: That's not what I said.

Hi I'm Dad🦋: it was implied!!! aw, I'll be right there!

Logically Thinking: If you insist.

Hi I'm Dad🦋: I do insist!

Logically Thinking: ...Then hurry on over.

Hi I'm Dad🦋: will do, Lo-lo!

Logically Thinking: Never call me that again.


A/N I'm sorry this is such a short chapter, but I have some news that will hopefully make up for it...

My new prinxiety book, Sick of Losing Soulmates, is officially going to happen! Next chapter, I'll reveal the description and cover, and post it shortly after. I hope you guys like it!

(Also, for you coastal QLD people, how are you enjoying your day off school? A few of the roads near me have flooded and the creek behind my house is almost over flowing. To the people where Cyclone Debbie hit full force, I hope you're all alright! Stay inside when possible xx)

Big thanks to 10k reads (WOAH WHAT EVEN)!

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