12. the one where anxiety has a nightmare

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emo nightmare😈 and princey👑.

emo nightmare😈: hi.

princey👑: Sorry it took so long to reply!

emo nightmare😈: nah, it's okay. you were probably asleep like most people are at 3am.

princey👑: What are you doing that has kept you up so late?

emo nightmare😈: don't... phrase it like that...

princey👑: Huh?

emo nightmare😈: never mind. and i was asleep for a while.

princey👑: Then??

emo nightmare😈: let's just say i'm sticking true to my branding.

princey👑: Nightmare??

emo nightmare😈: yeah...

princey👑: Are you alright?

emo nightmare😈: eh, depends how you define that.

emo nightmare😈: to put it simply, i'm not as shaken up as i usually am. small blessings.

princey👑: Do you have nightmares often?

emo nightmare😈: why do you think my room is further away than the rest of yours?

princey👑: I'm coming over.

emo nightmare😈: or you could not do that.

princey👑: Everyone needs comfort and a person to lean on every now and then, including you!

emo nightmare😈: whatever. just get your butt over here already.

princey👑: Will do! What was the nightmare about, if you don't mind me asking?

emo nightmare😈: the usual.

princey👑: Such as?

emo nightmare😈: people hating me. leaving. saying things. getting hurt because of me.

princey👑: Oh, Anxiety. You know I'd never hate you or leave you! And I'm sure you wouldn't hurt me!

emo nightmare😈: you never know.

princey👑: Don't say that!

emo nightmare😈: it's true. i haven't been feeling too bad recently but when one of those days happens again - and it will - i won't be able to stop myself from pushing you all away.

princey👑: Then we shall try extra hard to keep you close.

emo nightmare😈: you're too good for me. i am the literal embodiment of negative emotions and you're hope, dreams, love. how can you stand me?

princey👑: Because I know you're more than, well, anxiety! Your humour may be dark, but you care so much and that means everything! When Dad was feeling down one time, I remember that you took it upon yourself to tell awful jokes all day - and I know you hate those - just to make him laugh.

emo nightmare😈: that was one time.

princey👑: Yes, but even before that! Even though you still hated Logic back then, when he was stressing out too much you calmed him down and talked him through it.

princey👑: Don't you see? We need you! Your nightmares will never be real because we care.

emo nightmare😈: yeah, yeah, we already established that.

princey👑: But you always seem to need reminding.

emo nightmare😈: yeah, well...

emo nightmare😈: anyway, you coming or what??

princey👑: Oh yeah! On my way!

emo nightmare😈: useless prince.

princey👑: That's useless, handsome prince to you!

emo nightmare😈: sure, we'll go with that.

princey👑: Hey!

emo nightmare😈: relax. you know you're pretty, i know you're pretty, we get it, you're pretty.

princey👑: There's the Anxiety I know and love!


A/N Ay parallels (to the first chapter)!

Guess who flipped when they saw that they had over 1k reads? That's right, I did, the author of this crappy fic that people somehow like???

Just want to say thank you all for reading and I hope you're enjoying this story so far!

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