25. the one where prince is disturbed and so are the kids

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A/N The picture is the new book's cover! The description will be at the end and the first chapter will be posted in a few hours.


Morality bounded over to Logan's room. He opened the door to see the other using his computer, head in his hands as he stared at the cursor blinking on a mostly empty document.

"Knock, knock!" he chirped, rapping his knuckles against the doorframe.

Logic spun around on his chair, jumping a little. "Morality! When you knock, you're supposed to do it before you enter a room! I could've been indecent," he scolded. The effect was ruined when he smiled.

"But you're not," Morality winked. The other shook his head, about to say something undoubtedly about how he shouldn't just wink like that, but Morality cut him off. "Also, you're supposed to say who's there."

Logan pulled a face. "I'd rather not listen to your jokes right now. I'm trying to help Thomas with the script for the next video and Prince is coming over soon to help, yet..." he shrugged, pushing his glasses up.

"Take a break! I came over to talk to you, not to see you stress out over work," Morality coaxed.


"Come on, it'll be easier and most likely better when you have an idea! If you don't mind me pointing out, it doesn't seem like you even know what you're writing. We'll do it later, yeah?" Morality suggested. When Logic turned back to his desk, he thought he had lost. Then he saw Logan saving, looking defeated as he shut down his computer.

"What do you have in mind, then?" he sighed, sending a quick text to Prince to let him know that 'Morality is preventing me from doing work right now, sorry.'


Prince was bored. There was simply nothing for him to do.

His original plan for the day was to help Logan create a script for their next video with Thomas, but then he cancelled at the last minute because of something to do with Morality. Whatever that meant.

The fanciful side honestly didn't want to know why he got such short-notice. In fact, Prince had spent the past half-hour desperately trying to distract himself from the horrifying possibilities his mind provided.

Why on earth was he thinking about them trading dad jokes back and forth? Logic saying anything intentionally funny just seemed... weird. Prince shivered and shook his head, banishing the thought. He needed to focus on his current predicament.

You see, being Thomas' creativity and all, boredom was troublesome, as it usually meant there were no ideas. Maybe it was a good thing that Logan had chosen to hang out with Morality instead of attempting to start the project, as there was no telling how forced the video would sound if they wrote the script when they had nothing to work with... And now he was thinking about what the two older sides were doing again.

He huffed as he looked around his room for inspiration. He hadn't changed the way it looked in a while, so he wasn't wowed by the golden swirls, plush red carpet and canopy bed anymore. Maybe that was what he needed – something new. What was out of the ordinary for him? What room was so unlike his that it may bring a spark of creativity-

Anxiety. Obviously. Prince cursed himself for not thinking of it before. Anxiety's room was perfect – simple, monochrome, almost boring. The complete antonym of his own room. A change of scenery was what he needed, so of course he had to go visit the darker side.

And besides, it was also a chance to... No, now wasn't the time. Right?

To tell the truth, Prince thought that he should be ready by now. After countless conquests of those he had saved, he should know how to deal with his feelings. He remembered the first time he realised – or, at least, thought – that he liked Anxiety. It was the day after they had all invited Anxiety for movie night to make up for what they did.

He had woken up to see the other curled into him, clutching his shirt and being overall adorable. Prince had told himself that he was going to get straight out of bed and go into his own room before he made things awkward, but then... Then he couldn't help but wonder what Anxiety looked like, waking up slowly and stretching his body like a cat/. And so Prince had decided to make breakfast for the both of them, if only to finally be able to tease the other about his waking up habits. He had somehow missed seeing them all the other times. You couldn't blame a Prince for being curious!

Sadly, when he had come back, Anxiety was already awake, but it was definitely worth it to hear him play piano for the first time. Not to mention that he really was an incredible singer.

He could still remember that bit after Anxiety had finished "Snow in Venice". His mind had blanked and he couldn't even find the words to tell the other how good it was, how amazing he was, how he wished he could hear Anxiety sing all the time.

Instead, Prince had said a single sentence that didn't even begin to express how he was feeling. He had called the music "beautiful", and it truly was, but there was more to it. It had seemed as if though a switch had flicked in his brain and for the first time, he could see how spectacular Anxiety was. In the back of his mind, something had been whispering, a thought nagging away, but Prince couldn't quite hear it.

But now he knew. When Morality had told him that he liked Anxiety it, it didn't seem like new information. It was more as if though the parent had confirmed the facts...

Now here he was, going to see Anxiety for the first time since he had realised. Prince didn't know how it was going to go down, but he hoped he didn't do anything rash. Morality had warned him of how Anxiety thought, and he knew that if he were to admit something like that out of the blue, the poor guy wouldn't know how to respond. Anxiety would probably freak out and push him away out of fear. Prince couldn't have that.

Anxiety was his friend now, his best friend, and if their friendship was destroyed because of him... Prince didn't know what he would do. So, he swallowed his emotions and made his way to Anxiety's room. Just to hang out, nothing more.


"Do you come here often, Princey?" Anxiety deadpanned, opening the door.

Prince saw Missy's head pop up instantly and wondered if there was no way to be alone with his... friend. "I should ask the same of you," he joked.

There was a brief pause where nobody talked and Prince worried if he went too far, but then Anxiety burst out laughing. "You do know this is my room, right?"

"Didn't take you for the direct type," Prince murmured, more to himself. Anxiety hit him and mock-gasped.

"Don't be so dirty, there are kids nearby!" he hissed playfully. There was a loud bang behind him. The two turned around to see Missy and Pranks rushing out the door after falling off the bed.

"Nope, not anymore there aren't!" Missy yelped, dragging a mortified Pranks out past the now blushing pair.

Prince coughed and rubbed the back of his burning neck. Anxiety didn't say another word as he yanked Prince inside. He did, however, swat the royal when he had the audacity to make a joke about how what just happened wasn't even appropriate for a parent's (Morality's) ears.


A/N Still maintaining my 16 day posting streak! (I posted the first chapter 16 days ago.) Almost didn't.

Sick of Losing Soulmates summary:

Anxiety was withdrawn. Prince had been distant lately - and he thinks it's his own fault. Everybody seemed to leave him. He needed to find out why.

Prince was quiet. Anxiety had been turning down his offers to hang out, even though they were good friends now. Something was wrong. He needed to find out what.

(Or the one where they work through various misunderstandings and insecurities through songs.)

The start will be pretty angsty but it WILL get happier. Probably.

And yes, "the one where" is a reference to my chapters!

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