31. the one where prince is lactose intolerant

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Thomas™: thanks for your help today Anxiety and Logic!

princey👑: I would like to make it clear that I totally would have helped if I wasn't CRUSHED.

Hi I'm Dad🦋: awww Princey, you didn't do anything wrong!!

emo nightmare😈: it was mostly thomas. but, i guess his second go at it was... alright.

Thomas™: thanks!


Logically Thinking: I'm glad you've learnt something.

Hi I'm Dad🦋: did you two work out your differences???

Thomas™: they did! it was so nice to see.

princey👑: What on earth happened?

emo nightmare😈: logan used fancy words, i rebutted them with what i thought was reasonable, he yelled at me, i yelled back, thomas tried to calm us down. the usual.

Logically Thinking: He's forgetting that I also explained that over-generalising and mental filtering aren't healthy. Anxiety needs to accept that not every mistake ruins an entire thing.

Hi I'm Dad🦋: well I'm glad that at least some people aren't arguing anymore!!

princey👑: Hey, Logan and I have a truce!

Thomas™: you do, so therefore nothing happened in today's video that could damage that truce.

Logically Thinking: Ahem, that would be accurate.

Hi I'm Dad🦋: great!! let's move on!!

princey👑: Anxiety, what did he say?

emo nightmare😈: he insulted you multiple times. he's also learning to insult you in many different languages.

Thomas™: ....well...

Logically Thinking: Why'd you have to say anything?

Hi I'm Dad🦋: Logan!!

emo nightmare😈: i swear to tell the truth and nothing but the truth.

princey👑: Thank you for being honest, Anxiety. In the mean time, on a completely unrelated topic, WHERE'S MY SWORD?

Thomas™: oh boy.

Hi I'm Dad🦋: I thought it might be a safety hazard so I.... put it away....

Logically Thinking: Good. Now I may actually live to see the end of the week.

princey👑: WHERE?!

Hi I'm Dad🦋: ...I lost it!!

Logically Thinking: Now I'll live for a while, thanks.

Thomas™: I'm sure Prince wouldn't actually harm you!

emo nightmare😈: hah sure.

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