32. the one where morality isn't the caretaker

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A/N y'all. (image: button for wattpad notifications with the number "609" on it.) ((no I don't mind but woah the comment conversations are wild. hope the tornado person is okay.))


Thomas™: Anxiety, how's Prince?

emo nightmare😈: sleeping. slightly better.

Hi I'm Dad🦋: I feel so bad...

Logically Thinking: Morality, you were just trying to help. It seems like you did a great job emotionally, as when Prince did appear he looked fine.

Thomas™: yeah! you didn't know he was lactose intolerant.

Logically Thinking: I don't even think Prince knows.

emo nightmare😈: he was denying just before that he was. stubborn ass.

Hi I'm Dad🦋: that sounds like Roman!! and I'm letting that word slide just this once.

emo nightmare😈: all i said was donkey.

Logically Thinking: So you let his swearing go but not mine?

Hi I'm Dad🦋: you swore in front of the kids!!

Thomas™: he does have a point, logic.

emo nightmare😈: as much as i would love to see this, prince is awake.

Logically Thinking: Enjoy.

Hi I'm Dad🦋: do you need anything??

Thomas™: have you eaten?

emo nightmare😈: some food for prince. no dairy this time.

Logically Thinking: Anxiety, answer the question.

emo nightmare😈: not since dinner last night.

Thomas™: it's midday!

Hi I'm Dad🦋: alright, kiddo, what do you want??

emo nightmare😈: i'll eat whatever you give prince, don't worry about it.

Logically Thinking: You need to take better care of yourself.

emo nightmare😈: believe me, i love eating. it's just that prince was sick and i honestly did not want to think about food when he was vomiting.

Hi I'm Dad🦋: how does a burger sound???

Thomas™: I'll help!

emo nightmare😈: prince says it's fine, as long as it doesn't have cheese. in prince's exact words, "not because i'm lactose intolerant, but because i don't want cheese". i'll be MIA for a bit.

Logically Thinking: That's alright. Taking care of Prince is always a job that requires full attention.

Hi I'm Dad🦋: Logan!! Be nice!

Logically Thinking: I had no malicious intent, I was simply stating the facts.

Thomas™: distorted facts that have no basis and heavily imply that he's incapable of taking care of himself?

Logically Thinking: ...I think I'd prefer to be talking to a sick Prince right now.

Hi I'm Dad🦋: you care!

Logically Thinking: No, I just hate you.

Thomas™: you don't mean that, right?

Logically Thinking: I wish I did sometimes. But of course I don't mean that.

Hi I'm Dad🦋: awww!! how sweet!

Logically Thinking: No need for sarcasm.

Hi I'm Dad🦋: I wasn't being sarcastic!!

Logically Thinking: ...Alright.

Hi I'm Dad🦋: I'm serious!!

Logically Thinking: Fine, I believe you.

Thomas™: all this flirting makes me feel like I'll never have a relationship as perfect as all of yours...

Logically Thinking: No one was flirting!


A/N Okay so if things go as planned, I'll be posting the answers to the Q&A in between chapter 34-5! To ask the questions, select a character/combination from the options at the end of chap. 29.

I know this is pretty short but for starters, q&a answers are 7000+ words so far, and also the next chapter will be... long anticipated. (I wrote it like two days ago but then Thomas posted the new vid and I had to write something on it.)

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