49. the one where not-so-subtle sleuthing is conducted

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A/N This chapter is going to be a little different in that it's going to have many separate chats.


emo nightmare😈 and Hi I'm Dad🦋.

emo nightmare😈: i'm sorry that i didn't defend you sooner. when they started teaming up on you, i mean. i swear i wanted to but i didn't and i'm so sorry.

Hi I'm Dad🦋: aww Anxiety don't worry about it!! they apologised at the end, so it's fine!

emo nightmare😈: it was still wrong of me to not do anything.

Hi I'm Dad🦋: seriously, Anxiety, I'm fine!! it's better for Thomas to be healthy than for me to do whatever I want all the time! and I swear I'm happy.

emo nightmare😈: i guess... i know how crappy it feels to have them against you. i just wanted to make sure you were okay.

Hi I'm Dad🦋: wait quick question!

emo nightmare😈: yeah?

Hi I'm Dad🦋: do you want me to stop calling you kiddo??

emo nightmare😈: i don't mind it.

Hi I'm Dad🦋: you sure??

emo nightmare😈: definitely.

Hi I'm Dad🦋: okay!! I care about you a lot, kiddo! just so you know.

emo nightmare😈: i definitely know, dad.


JOKES and watch out.

JOKES: Missy, I know you said not to worry, but I don't want Anx getting hurt

watch out: me neither

watch out: but we don't know for sure. if we tell him and it's wrong, then he'll get hurt anyway

JOKES: I don't know

watch out: what if we confront them about it? Anxiety doesn't have to know

JOKES: I guess


watch out has added Logically Thinking and princey👑 into the chat.

watch out: so about what Pranks and I overheard yesterday

Logically Thinking: I thought I saw you two sneaking around.

princey👑: Overheard what?

watch out: you know what I'm taking about. Pranks is really worried so please tell me what happened

Logically Thinking: What part did you overhear exactly?

princey👑: We were discussing picnic plans. It was supposed to be a surprise! I don't know why Pranks would be worried though...

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