39. the one where thomas learns that texting while driving is bad

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emo nightmare😈: are we there yet?

princey👑: For someone who didn't seem to want to come, it looks like you're excited.

emo nightmare😈: not excited, just bored.

Thomas™: another half hour!

Logically Thinking: Thomas! Do not text while driving!

Thomas™: sure okay.

Hi I'm Dad🦋: you're driving us up the wall here!!

emo nightmare😈: at least he's not driving us into a tree. and thomas, what are you trying to do?! KILL US?!

princey👑: Easy there, Anxiety. I'm sure Thomas knows what he's doing.

Logically Thinking: Famous last words, Prince.

Thomas™: I'm not that bad at driving...

Hi I'm Dad🦋: Thomas!! focus on the road!!

emo nightmare😈 has kicked Thomas™ from the chat.

princey👑: Why'd you do that?

emo nightmare😈: damn i'm sorry for wanting us to live.

Logically Thinking: Thank you, Anxiety.

Hi I'm Dad🦋: well now it's just us for another thirty minutes! do you want to play a game???

princey👑: Absolutely!

emo nightmare😈: no.

Logically Thinking: I suppose it's one way to pass the time.

Hi I'm Dad🦋: yay!! I spy with my little eye something beginning with the letter s.

emo nightmare😈: hmmm how about "shut up"?

Logically Thinking: The game "I Spy" only works if we're in the same room.

Hi I'm Dad🦋: then what else are we going to play??

princey👑: Truth or dare!

emo nightmare😈: basically only the truths will work.

Logically Thinking: Not if we send photographic evidence of us completing the dares.

Hi I'm Dad🦋: good idea!! who'll go first?

emo nightmare😈: me. i dare everyone to not play.

Hi I'm Dad🦋: that's not how the game works...

princey👑: Anxiety! Truth or dare?

emo nightmare😈: dare, because i'm pretty sure i know what the truth option would entail.

princey👑: Fine. Then I dare you to tell us who you like!

emo nightmare😈: no. that's unfair.

Logically Thinking: That was more of a truth, Prince.

Hi I'm Dad🦋: yeah, and we shouldn't force him to tell us!!

princey👑: Alright! I dare you to wear the brightest thing in your closet and send a picture.

emo nightmare😈: kinky.

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