41. the one where harsh words are said about selves

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Previous Chapter Summary:

Prince convinces Anxiety to at least be on a floatie if he isn't going to swim. Anxiety falls off his floatie, Logic saves him by giving mouth-to-mouth. At the end, Logic warns them of "secondary drowning", which can happen anywhere up to 72 hours after the event. Anxiety doesn't have enough energy to "sink down", so the others leave him in Thomas' care.


Logically Thinking: Morality, it's time to switch.

Hi I'm Dad🦋: okay!! it's Princey's turn to watch over Anxiety!!

Thomas™: Anxiety's mostly been resting, poor guy.

princey👑: I can't.

Logically Thinking: Preposterous. What do you mean, you "can't"? Are you physically unable to?

Hi I'm Dad🦋: Prince, what's up???

princey👑: It was my fault. I don't deserve to face him.

Thomas™: I'm sure he doesn't blame you!

princey👑: You said he had mostly been resting. How on earth would you be able to find out how he truly felt about the situation if he's asleep?

Logically Thinking: Roman, don't jump to conclusions. How could any of this be your fault?

Hi I'm Dad🦋: Prince!! don't blame yourself! we all should have been a little quicker in getting to him but there's nothing we can do about it now! and besides, Anxiety was in the water of his own choice!!!

princey👑: He wasn't. When you were all already in the lake, I convinced him to go out there. I had dunked him in the water so since he was already wet, he agreed.

Thomas™: so that's why he was wearing your clothes. and Prince, you weren't the one to tip him over! it was an accident.

Logically Thinking: Thomas is right. Now get down there and help with Anxiety. You can't expect only us three to take care of him when he prefers your company best.

Hi I'm Dad🦋: he really is more comfortable around you!! he agrees with your suggestions way more than ours!

princey👑: That's the problem. You know what he said before going in the water? "And don't forget, this was your idea." If anything went wrong, it would be my fault. And it is.

Logically Thinking: Roman, unless I'm mistaken, you do not possess the ability of a seer. How could you have possibly predicted that this would have ended up happening?

Hi I'm Dad🦋: if anything, I should be apologising!! I knew he couldn't swim but I forgot about it...

Thomas™: he can't swim?! I guess that makes sense, but still. I feel so bad now.

princey👑: Even more the reason why I shouldn't have pushed the issue!

Logically Thinking: For the last time, there is no way you could have known!

Hi I'm Dad🦋: it sounds like someone needs a hug!!

princey👑: I don't deserve one! I'm a prince who can't save those in need. I'm a prince who isn't considerate. What kind of prince does that make me?

Thomas™: aww Princey, you're our hero! don't speak like that.

emo nightmare😈: feeling bad about yourself is supposed to be my job.

Hi I'm Dad🦋: Anxiety!! you're up!! how didn't I notice??

princey👑: Anxiety, I'm sorry for everything

Logically Thinking: It relieves me to find you awake. Once again, though, can't you, Morality and Thomas just talk to each other?

emo nightmare😈: princey, listen to the others and stop feeling sorry. morality, i am a stealth master. logic, no we cannot just "talk to each other" when my throat feels like a scratched iphone screen from all the coughing yesterday.

princey👑: I don't deserve to feel good after what I did.

princey👑 has left the chat.

emo nightmare😈: that stupid idiot. what the heck does he think he's doing? does he really think i blame him? am i that mean??

Logically Thinking: I assume he just needs some time to brood and contemplate recent events. He'll come around.

Hi I'm Dad🦋: Anxiety, you're not mean!! Prince probably just needs some time alone!

Thomas™: how about a movie night to make everyone feel better?

emo nightmare😈: can't be bothered with one. and somebody needs to set up the easter egg hunt for the kids, since i'm not allowed to sink down. which is stupid by the way.

Thomas™: that's so sweet of you to do that for them!

Logically Thinking: It's not stupid. We don't want to take any more risks when it comes to your state.

Hi I'm Dad🦋: I'll do it, if Logic comes down to take care of Anxiety.

Logically Thinking: Agreed.

emo nightmare😈: seriously, i'm fine. now i have an idiot prince to slap some sense into and probably argue with, so excuse me.

emo nightmare😈 has left the chat.


A/N I almost forgot to post today I'm so sorry! Also, I'll be posting late tomorrow because of a ~thing~ I'm really excited about! Thank you for all the lovely comments btw.

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