29. the one where morality gets more kids

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A/N Guess who totally didn't wrongly number the past two chapters and already started writing chapter 30 based on the last chapter? This idiot!


Thomas™: where are you all? it's 8am! I told you last week that I needed you guys today.

Logically Thinking: Shoot, that was today? Sorry, no can do.

Hi I'm Dad🦋: should've picked a better day! preferably way after April Fools!!

Thomas™: did something else happen?? where's Anxiety and Prince???

princey👑: I, as opposed to some of us, am doing the job I was set. And Anxiety's still fast asleep.

Hi I'm Dad🦋: I'm cooking!!! I'm allowed to take breaks!

Logically Thinking: If I do recall, the kitchen is definitely not next to Anxiety's room. Meaning that you did in fact take a break to check on him.

Thomas™: aw!

princey👑: Well, yeah, but only so I could get the heads up on when he was going to wake up. It's not going to be for a while.

Logically Thinking: You had to see him asleep to draw that conclusion? The only time Anxiety's ever awake at 8am is when he's just done an all-nighter!

Hi I'm Dad🦋: speaking of, we should probably stop texting before he wakes up...

Thomas™: he really needs to just mute this chat.

Logically Thinking: Or we could make one for when Anxiety is sleeping, considering this happens a lot!

princey👑: And exclude him? You've got to be kidding.

Hi I'm Dad🦋: let's not start this again!!!

Thomas™: they bicker so much!

Logically Thinking: I wouldn't call it bickering.

princey👑: Yeah, I'd call it Logan is blind and we are definitely bickering.

Hi I'm Dad🦋: Pranks and Missy are supposed to be the only kids!

princey👑: That's right, Logic, grow up!

Logically Thinking: I'm older than you!

Thomas™: yet you both have the mental age of five-year-olds...

Hi I'm Dad🦋: get back to work before Anxiety wakes up!

princey👑: Fine. Only if we all agree that I'm Anxiety's best friend and that Lemongrab over here will never compare.

Logically Thinking: Literally no one cares.

Hi I'm Dad🦋: can't we all be equal friends??

Thomas™: yeah, can't we?

princey👑: NO.

Logically Thinking: You want me to be friends with Prince? As if.

Hi I'm Dad🦋: let's just finish our chores!!

princey👑: Fine!

Logically Thinking: Fine.

Thomas™: fine!!

Thomas™: I just felt left out okay don't judge me bye


A/N Short chapter because of my mistake... Whoops. The next chapter will either be posted really early or really late tomorrow. I'm going for a 12 hour drive. And yes, the Q&A is happening! Either comment on the name or state the character and then ask your question! Ask below for either:

NO MORE!! All questions are being finalised. Will post soon!





All four main Sander Sides


Thomas AND the four main Sander Sides



Pranks and Missy

All of them


Other combinations (specify. no non-introduced characters!)

(Will post answers either the chapter before or after 35, depends on when I get back from holiday.)

Chat (Prinxiety)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora