17. the one where anxiety disappears again

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Thomas™: does anyone know where Anxiety is

princey👑: He hasn't shown his face all day!

Hi I'm Dad🦋: feeling a sense of deja vu right now!

Logically Thinking: It's because this has happened before. Maybe if we keep texting he'll show up and tell us to stop.

princey👑: Shouldn't we check on him?

Hi I'm Dad🦋: I've already knocked on his door - no answer.

Thomas™: that's not good

princey👑: Did we upset him today?

Logically Thinking: No. As you said, we haven't seen him.

Hi I'm Dad🦋: do you think something's wrong??

princey👑: Obviously something's wrong! Anxiety doesn't disappear for no reason!

Thomas™: we've only been worrying for a few minutes. maybe he's left his phone on his bed while he went to get some food or something?

princey👑: Anxiety go somewhere without his phone? It's like you don't want him to be found!

Logically Thinking: Of course Thomas does, you're being unreasonable.

Hi I'm Dad🦋: probably shouldn't say that...

princey👑: You most definitely shouldn't say that! Anxiety may be having a bad day and it could be our fault!

Thomas™: Prince, we all have bad days...

Logically Thinking: This is Anxiety that we're talking about.

Hi I'm Dad🦋: we should listen to Prince

princey👑: You don't understand, it could be my fault!

Thomas™: why would it be your fault

Hi I'm Dad🦋: aw, don't say that!! I'm sure he's fine!

princey👑: Morality, what if he isn't?! It's like you're not even trying here! Why am I surrounded by idiots?

Hi I'm Dad🦋: sorry...

emo nightmare😈: apologise to morality.

Logically Thinking: See, he's fine!

Thomas™: oh thank goodness! where were you?

princey👑: ANXIETY!!

emo nightmare😈: i said, you should apologise to morality.

Hi I'm Dad🦋: I'll be right, kiddo

princey👑: Morality is not our current concern here! Where are you?

emo nightmare😈: apologise. to. morality.

Thomas™: I may not be the logical one here but I reckon you should just do it, Roman.

Logically Thinking: And as the logical one, I know you should do it.

Hi I'm Dad🦋: it's really not that big a deal...

emo nightmare😈: you're forgetting i know what things hurt all of you the most.

princey👑: I'm sorry, Anxiety, I was just worried about you!

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