35. the one where pranks and missy "get pranked"

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"I don't see why I have to do this," Anxiety grumbled as Prince gave him his usual red sash and white shirt, along with the matching garments.

"Because," Prince stressed, tugging at Anxiety's hoodie's strings, "it's payback time for Pranks and Missy!" he exclaimed.

Anxiety was sitting in the common area in a t-shirt and jeans, his other clothes currently on Prince. He was feeling mildly uncomfortable and exposed, especially with the way the other's eyes seemed to be staring at him. Did he look weird? He probably did. Oh my god, he knew he shouldn't have agreed to this.

He was roped into the "pretend to be someone else" plan by the others to prank Pranks and Missy, and so far, Anxiety was not liking it one bit.

Logic walked in, adjusting his – no, probably Morality's – glasses. "I look ridiculous," he muttered, tugging distastefully at the tied cardigan around his shoulders.

"Hey, stop! You'll ruin it!" Morality protested from the other side of the room, emerging wearing Logan's outfit. He had his hands on his hips and was shaking his head, tutting.

Anxiety shivered. "This is incredibly weird. Morality looks almost exactly like Logic yet he sounds and acts like he usually would."

Prince scoffed. "Well at least he doesn't have to wear what feels like ten pounds of foundation and eyeshadow!" He held up the mirror he had somehow gotten, frowning at the reflection. He tilted his head this way and that, making Anxiety roll his eyes.

"If you don't like wearing that much makeup then don't go outside and sleep less."

"That's more of your thing, isn't it?"

"Exactly my point." Anxiety shrugged. "Anyway, I suppose I should get changed into," he grimaced and held up Prince's clothes, "these. I still don't want to, by the way." Before Prince could retaliate, Anxiety stalked out of the room.

"Well, I see he hasn't come around to the idea yet," Logan paused to adjust his glasses. "Maybe we shouldn't force him to do this."

"Nonsense!" Prince cried out. "If I have to look weird then so does he."

"Now, no need to shirt down Logan's idea," Morality laughed at his own joke.

Logan studied the interaction and shook his head. "No, no, absolutely not!" The other two looked at him, questioning. "This isn't going to work if you don't act the part. Roman," said side stood tall at the mention of his name, "you need to slouch, grumble, and be generally negative." Prince, ever the actor, immediately sought to fix his mistakes. "Morality-"

"Yes, Logan?" he chirped.

"No puns. Use words of considerable length, too," Logic directed.

Morality pouted, but did his best to conform to Logan's suggestions. "There you go. What about you? You actually need to tell jokes if this is going to work," he pointed out.

Prince nodded his head. "Uh-huh. For starters, uncross your arms." The other did so, albeit begrudgingly. "Great! Now tell us a joke."

"This is absolutely unnecessary."

"Nope, no escaping!" Morality exclaimed. "You need to..." he thought over his word choice for a minute, "participate and cooperate in our schemes."

"Ugh, fine." With that, Logic snapped into character as best as he could. "Why didn't the skeleton go to the dance?"

Morality barely resisted bursting out with the punchline to the joke, while Prince just shrugged noncommittally.

"Because he had no body to go with!" Logan faked a laugh. The two applauded his efforts.

Just then a voice shouted, "Princey, how the fuck do I put on this stupid sash? And why are there so many parts to it?!"

"Anxiety!" Logan scolded. He tried to ignore the weird feeling he got whilst doing so.

Roman laughed, then called back, "Figure it out!"

A loud groan of annoyance could be heard in response. Another noise drifted down the hallway and into the common area, making the three sides tense and try to match the behaviour of the one they were supposed to be mimicking perfectly.

"Do you think they'll like it?" Pranks asked eagerly.

"Of course! They even said they would!" Missy replied just as enthusiastically. It wasn't long until they could be seen skipping into the room holding multiple flower crowns. They seemed shocked to be met with three sides all at once, as they hardly ever congregated in the common room during the day.

"Hi, Pranks! Hi, Missy! What are you two up to?" Logan smiled cheerily, trying his best to portray Morality.

"Hey... Dad?" Pranks tilted his said to the side and they held their breaths, hoping he didn't notice yet. Then the boy shrugged. "Anyway-"

"We got you all flower crowns!"

"You said you didn't mind them, so now you're getting them!"

"And yes, Anxiety," Missy looked at Roman, who had to be reminded by a glare from Logan that Missy meant him, "you have to wear one too!"

The two kids ran up to Morality and put a blue one that matched Logan's tie on his head. They went to Logic next, giving him a grey one, like Morality's cardigan. Then they finally arrived to Prince. They solemnly handed him a black one.

"Black – like your soul," Missy stage-whispered, to give the others a laugh. Suddenly, he lost his smile and whispered quieter, "Here's a warning."

Pranks leaned in and murmured in Prince's ear, "If you hurt Anxiety in any way, we will destroy you."

Roman was too shocked (and a little too scared) to ask how they knew it was him. Luckily, they pulled back and ruffled his hair, telling him that they were "only joking". Prince didn't want to ever know if they were truly joking and nodded his head jerkily.

"Pranks, Missy, don't scare him," Anxiety demanded, entering the room in white, gold and red. Under his eyes were still dark, not that he seemed to notice or care.

"Anxiety!" Missy yelled joyfully. He dragged Pranks away from Prince to plonk a golden flower crown onto his head.

"We weren't scaring him," Pranks giggled, "just having fun!"

Anxiety eyed them warily. "Right," he said slowly.

"Wait- how did you know that he was Anxiety?" Logan asked, exasperated, undoing the cardigan from around his shoulders and then chucking it at Morality. "Sure, his face still holds foundation and eyeshadow but you shouldn't have been able to pick up on it right away."

"Yeah, you shouldn't have known," Morality agreed. "And teach, I'd love to throw something at you too, but I'm a little tied up at the moment!" He tugged on the thing around his neck, trying to figure out how to get it loose.

Pranks spoke first. "Anxiety told us!"

"Yep! As soon as he found out!" Missy agree.

"Why would you do that?" yelped Prince. He had regained his ability of speech, still looking slightly pale but that could've just been from the makeup.

Anxiety threw his hands up. "If I don't get involved in pranking them, they don't prank me. What can I say? Survival of the fittest and all that crap."

Morality opened his mouth, probably to tell him off, but Logic beat him to it. "I got this, Morality. Don't fucking swear!"

There was a beat of silence until everyone burst out laughing, even Morality. Of course, he gave Logan a stern talking to after he had calmed down enough.


A/N Extremely late update but I had no motivation allll day. I still feel like this isn't the best I could've done but ya know. Posting every day and all that (at least for me). Almost a month straight of posting too! I'm so tired, I'll probably read a few comments then head to bed...

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