30. the one where they have breakfast

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Anxiety woke up to his lights being flicked on. He groaned, shoving his face into his pillow, hoping for whoever it was to go away. Mornings were the absolute worst and had no reason for existing. He may or may not have stayed up until (after) midnight, but that was beside the point. Also, his bed was warm and there was no way he was leaving it.

"Wake up, Anxiety," Prince whispered, walking over and gently shaking the other.

"No," he said firmly. His eyes still remained stubbornly shut. Anxiety didn't even really care that Prince was seeing him in his tired state right now – he was too comfy.

Prince watched him for a second and then sighed. "I didn't want to have to do this but..."

Before Anxiety could ask what he meant, his blankets were yanked away from him. "Hey!" he yelled, opening his eyes to glare at the stupid princely side. "I was using those!"

Roman raised a sceptical eyebrow. "All," he quickly counted, "six of them?!"

The other side sat up and nodded, before standing up to grab them back. Instead of falling asleep again, he turned to face Prince. "Fine, what do you want?" he grumbled, rubbing his eyes and yawning.

Roman faltered, taking in the sight in front of him. Anxiety had just woken up. His hair was ruffled and sticking up in odd places, he seemed tempted to curl up, then he was stretching, and Prince realised that Anxiety's face wasn't coated in white foundation and-

"You have freckles?!" Prince shrieked. Anxiety blushed and shook his head furiously. "That's so... Wait until I tell the others! They're so cute!"

"It's not cute and they're not freckles!" Anxiety denied, trying to push Roman out of his room before the situation could get any worse.

"Then what are they?" Prince stood his ground, resisting the other's futile attempts. Anxiety gave up, huffing and crossing his arms. "Also, they are extremely cute, you know!"

"Shut up and tell me why you're here, or get out!"

"Oh yeah, Morality wanted me to tell you that he made you breakfast. Homemade croissants or something like that. I really don't see why he didn't just buy them-"

Anxiety's eyes widened and he bolted out the door, leaving a confused Prince to chase after him.

When he finally got to the kitchen, he arrived to see the usually sedated side practically bouncing with excitement, thanking Morality furiously.

"No problem, kiddo," the dad guy chuckled. For some strange reason, he didn't seem at all shocked to see how happy Anxiety looked. Or to see his freckles.

"Is this a regular thing?!" Prince asked incredulously. His head whipped back and forth to see Anxiety already digging in and Morality simply humming away.

"I wouldn't say regular," Morality started, "Anxiety hardly ever lets anyone see his face without spending an hour in the bathroom. Which is unfortunate, because I find it adorable!"

"For the last time, I'm not adorable!" Anxiety protested through a mouthful of bread. "Thomas has freckles, go pick on him!"

Still mystified, but content to let it go, Prince shrugged. "Okay, then. Also, could you eat any faster?" He gestured to the crumbs that were all that was left of the croissant already.

Anxiety nodded. "I have to, because today I'm cleaning up everything that happened yesterday, which will take me until late afternoon at least, and that's without stopping for food. I need to get my energy up."

Logic coughed, alerting everyone to his presence as he walked into the room. The ends of his sleeves were soaked in water. "About that, Morality over here," he jerked an annoyed thumb in the guy's direction, who merely grinned, "convinced us to help you out for once. I'm assuming he and Prince just finished up before you got led here."

Anxiety looked around to see the others nodding. "You didn't have to do that for me, I'm used to it," he mumbled, self-conscious all of a sudden.

Prince's gaze softened. "Yeah, we did. How many years have you been doing this for, all by yourself? It took us four hours to get our separate job lists done, and that was by splitting the work! Not to mention that there's been countless other pranks they've done over the years, the more elaborate ones leaving gigantic messes!"

Anxiety shrugged and didn't say anything, so Morality piped up. "I'm supposed to look after Pranks and Missy, yet I've just begun to realise how much more you look after them!"

When Anxiety looked like he was about to protest again, Logic pitched in. "Before you say anything, it's true. You really are good with them." Anxiety ducked his head, a failed attempt at hiding a smile and Logic coughed awkwardly. "I mean, for starters, you kept them from pulling even more pranks on me after I told you about it yesterday."

"It wasn't for you – it was so I didn't have to clean up even more than I already would have," Anxiety declared.

"Of course, big guy," Morality cooed, ruffling his hair, much to the said side's annoyance.

Anxiety swatted his hand lightly, thanked everyone, and continued eating his breakfast at a much slower, more relaxed pace.

'Most definitely worth getting up at 5 for,' Prince thought as he took the chair beside his friend and joined in the breakfast banter. Everyone conveniently didn't mention Anxiety's happy mood, instead choosing to let him be.

Missy and Pranks wandered in to sit at the table later, excitedly discussing future prank ideas, much to the rest of their grief.


A/N If you have any questions for the sides, don't forget to comment on the previous chapter! (There are LOADS! I've written answers to all I got this morning and in 6 hours, the answer chapter is already nearly 6000 words.)

((posting on the 7% I have while using my mum's hotspot. send help.))

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