36. the one where everyone's confused

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A/N Things I've learnt from reading all your comments: y'all need to stop fucking swearing and being extremely dirty-minded, y'all are obsessed with Hamilton, and y'all never got out of MCR. Also that I need to stop saying y'all.


Hi I'm Dad🦋: so how do you think today's video went?

princey👑: awful. for starters, i just found out my jumper was cheap.

Logically Thinking: Hah, and mine came from a production! Most likely expensive. Fitting, is it not?

Thomas™: uh, guys!!! we didn't change back our usernames!!

emo nightmare😈: Yes, I was about to point that out. It's pointless now to even attempt to prank the two kids with this considering they probably already know.

Hi I'm Dad🦋: I don't know, it seems like this could be fun!

Thomas™: I agree with Thomas!!

princey👑: i'm confused.

emo nightmare😈: that's better.

emo nightmare😈: Except now we have two "emo nightmare"s in the chat.

Logically Thinking: Well since you two don't type like each other, it'll be fine!

Hi I'm Dad🦋: Anxiety's right, it is confusing...

Thomas™: as long as no one else changes, we should be fine!!!

princey👑: Nope, I'm taking my username back!

Logically Thinking: And I'm taking my own. I will not stand for it.

Hi I'm Dad🦋: fine then, spoil sports!! I'm back to being just dad!

Thomas™: well that was a wild ride I never went to do again.

emo nightmare😈: agreed.

princey👑: Pranks and Missy are texting me. I assume you did tell them about the planned prank?

emo nightmare😈: shit. prince, block them right now and don't read the messages.

Hi I'm Dad🦋: no swearing!!

Logically Thinking: This is what you get from telling them about our schemes. Prince, I must agree and say don't read them.

Thomas™: what's going on here? I feel like I'm missing something.

princey👑: Why not? Some even mention me!

emo nightmare😈: my point exactly. don't read them.

Logically Thinking: Roman, I'm warning you, it's in your best interest not to.

Hi I'm Dad🦋: I just texted them to let them know about the username switch!!! I don't know what's going on though.

Thomas™: same here. care to explain?

emo nightmare😈: no.

princey👑: Are you sure I can't read them?

Hi I'm Dad🦋: Prince!! if he says not to, don't!!

Logically Thinking: Roman. Don't invade privacy.

emo nightmare😈: please don't read them.

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