34. the one where logic helps anxiety and anxiety just wants him to shut up

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A/N Fair warning, there's a lot of swearing and Anxiety starts having a panic attack. For those who want to skip that, I'll put a summary at the end of the chapter.

(Posting early because I'm in a car for the next 7 hours and want something to do.)


Logically Thinking and emo nightmare😈.

Logically Thinking: You really should avoid falling.

emo nightmare😈: what?

Logically Thinking: You fell for him. In my opinion, that was incredibly stupid.

emo nightmare😈: they told you?!

Logically Thinking: Naturally. As if they ever keep anything to themselves.

emo nightmare😈: they said they wouldn't!

Logically Thinking: Why are you getting so worked up? Sure, it's dangerous but I don't see why you'd want to keep it to yourself.

emo nightmare😈: i wanted to keep it to myself because i wasn't sure if i actually liked prince! and they fucking said that they wouldn't tell. who else fucking knows? and what the fuck do you mean by 'dangerous'?


Logically Thinking: ...You like Prince.

emo nightmare😈: i don't FUCKING know. i don't know anything anymore. they promised me that they wouldn't say anything to anyone and now you know and probably morality and prince and i can't function.

Logically Thinking: Anxiety. Stop swearing.

emo nightmare😈: I WILL NOT FUCKING STOP.

emo nightmare😈: they lied to me, logic.

Logically Thinking: Missy and Pranks didn't tell me anything. I swear.

emo nightmare😈: are you even fucking trying. how the fuck do you know that i do if they didn't say anything? and why would i fucking believe you because of some fucking promise? as if those have ever worked out for me.

Logically Thinking: You need to calm down before you, you know...


Logically Thinking: Anxiety, they didn't tell me anything. And I didn't know!

emo nightmare😈: sure.

Logically Thinking: It's true. Even if I did know, I wouldn't confront you about it. I wouldn't mention it properly until you wanted me to.

emo nightmare😈: but you said...

Logically Thinking: I was talking about you going to Missy and Pranks' room and jumping around. Missy almost fell off but you lunged forward, grabbed him and fell off yourself.

Logically Thinking: Pranks told me because he didn't think you'd tell anyone that you hit your head. That's why I was so concerned.

emo nightmare😈: bastard. you made me admit it.

Logically Thinking: I didn't mean to!

emo nightmare😈: and i didn't mean to panic but here i am.

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