16. the one where morality and logic work together

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A/N Thomas posted this on Tumblr and it made me want to hug Anxiety and never let go. Poor guy...


Thomas™ has added Logically Thinking and Hi I'm Dad🦋 into the chat.

Thomas™: does anyone know if Roman and Anxiety are together

Logically Thinking: Roman?

Hi I'm Dad🦋: he means Prince!!

Logically Thinking: In that case, yes I do know.

Hi I'm Dad🦋: REALLY??!!!!

Logically Thinking: Prince went outside to see Anxiety after I told him. Since the rain has stopped, I presume they're in one of their rooms drying off.

Thomas™: oh, okay haha

Hi I'm Dad🦋: I misinterpreted that one...

Logically Thinking: Of course you did.

Thomas™: don't blame dad!!!

Hi I'm Dad🦋: yeah dont blame me!!!

Logically Thinking: Fine, can I go now?

Hi I'm Dad🦋: or we could discuss the elephant in the room

Logically Thinking: Prosperous, how would an elephant fit into any of the rooms we frequent?

Thomas™: um


Logically Thinking: What about them?

Thomas™: theories on why they're friends now???

Logically Thinking: Simple. They must have decided that being friends was a mutually beneficial relationship and therefore why not?

Thomas™: that's not... how friends work...

Logically Thinking: It isn't?

Hi I'm Dad🦋: or Roman defeated the monster that was troubling Anxiety!!!

Thomas™: what

Logically Thinking: Unrealistic.

Hi I'm Dad🦋: but Prince said something about Anxiety and monster so I just assumed...

Thomas™: Anxiety has a monster or Anxiety is a monster?

Logically Thinking: And they say I'm harsh.

Hi I'm Dad🦋: oh yeah... but that was ages ago before they were friends!

Thomas™: exactly! what happened to make them friends?

Logically Thinking: I still don't get why we're not just asking them.

Hi I'm Dad🦋: tact!!!

Thomas™: yeah, Anxiety probably wouldn't appreciate being asked outright

Logically Thinking: Why not?

Thomas™: how exactly did you become friends with Morality?? what happened??? can you tell me the details??????

Logically Thinking: I do believe that is information I should be allowed to keep to myself.

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