50. the one where happy endings are no longer just for fairy tales

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WARNINGS: memories of drowning, slight panic attack. There will be a notice in bold before and after if you want to skip.


Patton knocked on Anxiety's door. The darker side had been in his room all day like usual, while everyone else ran around preparing the picnic. Thomas was driving them there right now, unbeknownst to Anxiety, and they were nearing the grounds. Roman was still fussing over his outfit and fretting over everything to make sure it was perfect. Logan was helping him, so that left Patton with the job of informing Anx.

"Kiddo, are you in there?"

"Yeah, hold on!" Anxiety called. A few seconds later, he opened the door, still in his pyjamas. It looked like he had just woken up, despite it being almost midday. "What's up?" He yawned.

Morality gasped. "You need to get dressed!" He cried. He shoved past Anxiety and beelined straight for his closet.

Anxiety followed, confused. "What- Morality, what are you doing?" He ducked as Patton flung a few shirts and jeans at his face.

"The picnic! It's today and I honestly thought you would've been dressed by now. Pick something out of those, quick!" Morality dumped another armful of clothes on the bed before facing the wall.

"Why are all these clothes so fancy?" Anxiety grumbled, holding up a tuxedo before he flung it in the far corner, not wanting to touch it more than a second. "I didn't even know I had some of these clothes!"

"It's because you wear exactly three outfits, son."

Anxiety pulled a face. "True. Still doesn't explain why I have to dress to the nines for a simple picnic, though. It's almost as if though something big is going to happen." He narrowed his eyes at Morality's back.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Patton gazed around the room as Anxiety sorted through the clothes. "You don't have much on your walls, do you?" It was true – his dark walls were bare of anything apart from the wallpaper covering it.

"What would I put on it?" Anxiety asked, voice muffled as he changed shirts. "It's not like I have that many pictures of you guys."

Morality frowned. "Not even of Pranks and Missy?"

"Well, yeah, but they're on my phone. I don't really see a point in printing them out and hanging them up. Besides, all the photos I do have of the others don't have me in them. It'd be weird, don't you think?"

"You're not in any?!"


Morality stayed silent for a moment before he made up his mind. "I'll be back soon," he murmured, racing out of the door.

Anxiety didn't think much of it and continued getting ready. If Morality was suggesting he should dress up fancy, then something important must be going on. If only he knew what.

Meanwhile, Patton was running through the halls. He barged into the commons where Logan and Roman were going over their plans.

"Sorry to bother you, but something just came up," Patton got out in a rush.


Missy and Pranks made their way through the mindscape. They were talking about what they were going to do today when they overheard the others talking.

"Now that that's sorted out, someone also needs to tell the kids."

"You do it, Morality! You're better with them."

"Actually, Anxiety's better, and I don't want to upset them!"

"Well I can't do it because I'm buying a camera and Roman can't because he has to practise his poetry. Which he should've done before, but I digress."

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