33. the one where anxiety doesn't repress his emotions... as much

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emo nightmare😈 has added watch out and JOKES into the chat.

emo nightmare😈: shit shit shit. you know how a long time ago we made this stupid pact?

watch out: which one? you've called all of them stupid

JOKES: Don't let Morality see you swear!

emo nightmare😈: morality isn't in this chat. and it's the one that i said was unnecessary because we tell each other everything anyway.

JOKES: Okay, great, now it's narrowed down to twenty

watch out: you're gonna have to be a hell of a lot more specific

emo nightmare😈: it's about that stupid god damn promise i made to you dumb kids.

watch out: ooo this must be good

JOKES: Tell us which oneeee

emo nightmare😈: seriously don't know why i agreed to it. but whatever. i promised so i'm just going to say it.

watch out: SPIT IT OUTTTT

emo nightmare😈: if you tell him i swear to god i will hunt you down and give you a slow, painful death.

JOKES: And if you're telling us this then you really do keep your promises


emo nightmare😈: not yet. don't make me a murderer, so keep your mouths shut.

JOKES: Our lips are sealed

watch out: c'mon, as if we'd ever do something like that on purpose

emo nightmare😈: fine. you may not remember but you guys made me promise that i'd tell you if i ever liked someone.

watch out: at our last sleepover before you got your own room and became a main part of Thomas, yeah I remember

JOKES: And you didn't want to because you didn't think they'd like you so we told you that if you ever fell for one of the "self-righteous assholes" you'd better tell us so we can slap you

watch out: that made you smile!

emo nightmare😈: you two are good kids. thank you. but um, yeah so i think i might like the most self-righteous asshole of the lot.

JOKES: For real??

emo nightmare😈: maybe. yeah. idk.


emo nightmare😈: is that... a bad thing?

watch out: YES

JOKES: What Missy means is HE TOTALLY OWES ME 10 BUCKS

watch out: we made the bet years ago!


emo nightmare😈: well yeah. you really don't mind?

watch out: why would we

JOKES: Unless he's a prat and does something to you, then we don't mind

emo nightmare😈: prince wouldn't hurt me. he can't if he doesn't know.

JOKES: Anxiety

watch out: you HAVENT told him?!

emo nightmare😈: i'm still not certain yet. and he probably doesn't even see me as a possibility...

watch out: don't talk like that

JOKES: If he can't see what he's missing out on...

watch out: then he really is an idiot! you deserve better

emo nightmare😈: now you're just being nice. what did you break?


emo nightmare😈: as if i'm that gullible.

watch out: my bed when we were jumping on it to see how high we could get

JOKES: Please fix it, Missy kicks in his sleep

watch out: but we weren't lying about what we said either

emo nightmare😈: yeah, yeah, whatever. i have some spare blankets in my room that you could use as a makeshift mattress. i'll fix the bed as soon as i can.

JOKES: Thank you!

watch out: you're the best

emo nightmare😈: shut it.

watch out: what do you plan to do about prince

JOKES: Yeah! Also you need to tell us EVERYTHING

emo nightmare😈: i plan to do absolutely nothing. he's my friend now, and i can't screw it up over something like this.

watch out: your friendship would never be wrecked because of that

JOKES: What if he tells you he likes you

emo nightmare😈: unrealistic.

JOKES: What if?!

emo nightmare😈: ...in this imaginary scenario, i'd probably freeze up regardless. and then he'd think i hate him or something. even more reason to avoid it at any costs.

watch out: okay for starters Prince would probably plan something dramatically big so he may take it as initial shock

JOKES: And then he'll probably go on a sappy speech

watch out: and you'll scoff at how sappy it is

JOKES: And then KISS

emo nightmare😈: you two... keep being you. i'm gonna join the world of reality now.

watch out: wait wait before you go

JOKES: We have just one question

watch out: what made you realise

emo nightmare😈: idk. spending so much time with prince and getting to know him was... i honestly can't think of how to describe it.

JOKES: Actually one more question

watch out: yeah because we were just informed you're taking care of prince

JOKES: Did he seduce you with his clingy-ness and vomit

emo nightmare😈: i'm gonna do us all a favour and pretend you didn't just ask me that.


A/N So we have Morality helping Prince and the kids helping Anxiety. Thomas and Logic will have a bigger role soon... *ahem* what?

Unrelated note, but #178 in fanfiction as of the 7.4.17!! (7th of April)

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