22. the one where they don't hate each other

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Logically Thinking: This must be a new record.

princey👑: What is?

Logically Thinking: How long we've gone for without using the chat.


Hi I'm Dad🦋: it's been a long day... without you my friend...

Thomas™: and I'll tell you all about when I see you again

princey👑: What Disney song is this? Is it new?

emo nightmare😈: do you know ANY songs that aren't disney?

Hi I'm Dad🦋: Anxiety!!! Hello!!

emo nightmare😈: hi??

princey👑: Why would I waste my time on listening to songs that are insignificant?

Logically Thinking: If you truly want to get into it, all songs are insignificant.

Thomas™: you've been spending WAY too much time with Anxiety

emo nightmare😈: on the contrary. logic is alright for company, i guess.

princey👑: And what am I, raw meat?

Logically Thinking: Who are you and what have you done with Anxiety?

emo nightmare😈: i fucking killed him.

Hi I'm Dad🦋: LANGUAGE!!!

emo nightmare😈: i'm sorry...

princey👑: This reminds me of Pranks and Missy swearing, then Anxiety hounding them for it.

Thomas™: I wish I could talk to those two more!! can they come down some time?

Hi I'm Dad🦋: no can do, kiddo

Logically Thinking: They can't considering they're not fully manifested, like the four of us. They're lesser aspects of your personality.

Thomas™: oh.

emo nightmare😈: at least you'll never get pranked by them.

Logically Thinking: Says the one person who hasn't gotten pranked.

emo nightmare😈: we've discussed this. it's cause they know i'm better than you all.


princey👑: Better than Logic? Sure. Better than Morality? Maybe. Better than I? NO WAY.

emo nightmare😈: okay there, mr arrogant.

Hi I'm Dad🦋: that's mean!!!

Logically Thinking: And why would he be better than me, Prince?

Thomas™: lemme just get my popcorn...

princey👑: Because I said so.

emo nightmare😈: weak.

Hi I'm Dad🦋: then I say we're all equally as good as each other and should be friends!

Thomas™: I agree!!

Logically Thinking: You always appear to agree with him.

emo nightmare😈: he's the dad so of course thomas is gonna agree.

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