(Souda Kazuichi) The Empty Garage

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What was so special about this Sonia girl?! Honestly, you didn't understand why Souda was so obsessed with her. You had been with Souda before he had dyed his hair and filed his teeth. You had always been there for him. Why didn't he like you like he liked her. You worked in the garage with Souda. You worked every hour of the day that you didn't have school. Of course, you didn't get paid, which for you would have been a deal breaker if you weren't working with your crush. Lately, Souda had been obsessing about the beautiful princess, Sonia Nevermind. He had nothing to talk about other than her. It started to get on your nerves.
You guessed you could understand why he liked her more than you. She was beautiful. Souda never really saw you when you weren't covered in a layer of grease and sweat. And let's admit that isn't attractive. At least, that's what you thought. You couldn't take it anymore. You didn't want to hear another word about 'Miss Sonia.'

Souda walked back to the garage where he knew you would be waiting for him. You always got there quickly. He was surprised when he didn't see you there. Usually you were there drinking cola and taking apart car engines.
"Y/N?" He called.
He looked around. He pulled out his phone and texted you.
'Y/N, where r u'
He got no reply. He decided he would go to the one place you would obviously be. Your house.
You were sitting in your garage taking apart your bike and putting it back together. It was hot outside, so you were pretty sure you were melting. The garage would have been silent if the radio wasn't broadcasting the baseball game. Your hair clung to your face. At least Souda wasn't here to talk about the beautiful Sonia. But that was also a problem. Souda wasn't there. Well, at that moment anyway.
You heard footsteps coming toward you. You didn't pay it any attention, thinking it was only your parents or something.
"You didn't show up.." Someone said.
That glorious voice definitely wasn't your dad.
"I had an important date." You said without looking up.
"With your bike?" He asked.
He sat down in front of you.
"What happened?" He asked.
"This is the longest you've ever gone without talking about Sonia. Did you know that?" You said.
Souda didn't reply.
"I get it, you love her; but have you ever thought that people around you might be getting tired of it?" You said.
He had gone silent.
"You know what, Souda? If I hear another word about her, I'll have my foot shoved so far up your-"
"I get it." He said.
You sighed and continued to work on your bike.
"You're putting the pedals on backwards." He said.
He grabbed a wrench and held his hand out for you to put the parts in. You huffed and handed them over.
"If I can't talk about Sonia, can I talk about someone else?" He asked.
"NO!" You said.
"Are you sure? You would really like this person! They're even better than Sonia. They're smart and kind of stubborn. Just like you!" He said.
"Souda, I don't care. I don't want you to come crying to me when she rejects you." You said.
"They won't reject me!"
"Let's make a bet, call her up and ask her out. If she says yes, I'll buy your cola supply for two months. If she says no, you have to call Nagito, tell him you love him and that he isn't trash."
He grabbed his phone and dialed a number. Your phone vibrated in your pocket. You sent a confused look toward Souda. You picked up the phone.
"Hey, it's Souda, would you go out with me?"
You put your phone back in your pocket. You grabbed Souda by his shirt and smashed your lips on his.
"I'm guessing you'll be buying me cola for a while now!" He said.
"You bet!" You said, pulling him in again.

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