(Leon) Romeo And Juliet But Not Sad

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This was requested by cloudyfizz

"How many times do I have to tell ya to stop hanging around that Kuwata kid?!" Mondo exclaimed.

"Mondo, he's not a bad guy! He's changed!"

"How would you know?! People like him don't change. He'll always be a skirt chaser!"

"I know because I've been dating him for a year!"

"He's not good enough for you! He's only going to hurt you!"

"Daiya wouldn't have been so controlling!"

Mondo stood frozen in shock. You had mentioned your shared brother, the brother that Mondo had blamed the death of on himself. You retreated to your room where you proceeded to call Leon. You were furious, and you hadn't given the words said to your brother a second thought. In about half an hour, there he was, waiting outside your window.

"Hey, Y/N!" He said, crawling and proceeding to flop into your room.

You helped him up, and he gave you a hug and a kiss on the top of your head.

"Leon! Be quiet; Mondo might here!" you whisper yelled.

"Let him hear! Let him know I'm with my favorite girl on the planet!" he said, flashing a cheeky smile.

You just rolled your eyes and flopped onto your bed. Clearly, Leon wasn't getting the memo. Leon chuckled and laid next to you, enveloping you in his arms.

"I hope it won't always be this way. I know it's hard for you to be secretive about our relationship." you said sadly.

"Babe, as long as I have you, I don't care about the trouble. I'd have it this way for the rest of my life if you were by my side." he replied, ruffling your hair.

"That's sweet, but don't you wish we didn't have to hide from my brother all the time?" you questioned.

"Well, it's hard to act like we haven't been together whenever we're at school, I'll admit. Your brother is just overprotective, I get it."

Oh, god, your brother! You had mentioned Daiya. You had made a promise to never mention it.

"I'm such an awful sister!" you cried, digging your face into Leon's chest.

Leon had no clue what was going on. He didn't understand what you had said. You may have told him about Daiya, but he would have no idea how powerful your words had been.

"Y/N, you are a wonderful sister. I don't know why you're saying this, but you shouldn't be so hard on yourself."

His hands found their way to your back, rubbing comfortingly. You fell asleep crying. Leon would whisper little things into your ear.

"I love you"

"You're a great sister"

"Whatever is going on, it won't last forever."

Mondo had thought over what you said almost all night. Had he been wrong trying to protect you all this time? You had been hiding your relationship from Leon for a whole year? Had Leon really changed? He just wanted to protect you. After all, you were his only sibling left.

He decided to try to apologize that night. The lights were on, so you were awake, right? The door creaked open, and Mondo peered inside. Your body was sprawled over Leon's. He heard him speaking to your seemingly asleep self.

"You're a good sister."

Leon made eye contact with Mondo, and his eyes widened.

"I'm sorry for making you guys have to hide your relationship for so long." Mondo mumbled.

Leon nodded.

"She mentioned something about saying something she shouldn't have. She said she's sorry."

"Just don't hurt her." Mondo ordered and left the room, closing the door behind him.

Mondo knew he did the right thing by apologizing. 

Daiya would've wanted it this way.

Don't really know what's next; I'm still trying to come up with ideas for a few. Anyway, good luck at school (for those that are starting).

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