(Yandere!Terteru) Puncturing A Broken Heart

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This was requested by _i_am_kork_. Yandere!Teruteru x Heartbroken!Reader

Teruteru Hanamura hated your boyfirend, Katsuki. He new that he was abusive, even though you refused to tell him about these things. He noticed the the bruised and tainted skin that he had cause. He would have done something about it, but he was waiting for the perfect time. A time where you wouldn't know that it was him, and that you wouldn't be sad. It pained him to see you continue to get hurt, but he knew that there was a time and place for everything.

Another hot fist connected itself with your stomach.
"I can't believe you're too fucking weak to fight back!" Katsuki laughed.
"I am not weak." you whispered, sputtering blood.
"Say it again. Louder please." Your boyfriend teased.
"I'm done with your shit! The way you treat people you're supposed to love is inhumane! I. Am. Done." You yelled, slamming the door behind you, as you left your old life behind.

It hadn't occurred to you where to go. You, in fact, had nowhere to go; and the bitter cold was starting to take advantage of your unpreparedness.  Encountering a payphone, you inserted a bit of spare pocket change. Fingers shaking, dialed Teruteru's number. Your friend could help you out, right?


"T-teru? I'm by the payphone near my apartment. Could y-you come get m-me? It's really c-cold." You shivered.

"Of course!" He said; you could hear the gingle of his car keys.

The bright headlights shining in your face made you instantly feel at ease. Teruteru waved a hand out the window to signal you to get in. The heat of the car made you cease your shivering.

"Do you wanna tell me what happened?" He asked.

"We broke up." You muttered.

"I'm sorry to say this, but it's about time! He wasn't right for you."

"I know he wasn't; it's just that I didn't want to be alone."

"Y/N, you have me; you can't be alone."

"You're right, thank you for getting me."

"No problem, we're just going to get you home. I'll make you dinner, and you can stay with me." He said, emphasis on the last part.

"Until I can find a place right? You certainly don't mean forever, right?"

"...yes of course." he replied awkwardly.

Once you arrived, Teruteru gave you a quick rundown of the rules of the house.  Certain windows don't open, certain doors don't close without putting in extra effort, the sink sometimes drips, etc. One rule surprised you, but you didn't question it. A room down the hall from the kitchen was to remain locked, and you weren't allowed inside. Your curiosity wouldn't leave you astray you had told yourself.

You watched as Teruteru sharpened his knives as he got ready to prepare dinner. He would occasionally make eye contact with you and send a wink your way.

"How was it?" He asked, after serving it.

"Perfect as usual, Teru!" You answered.

He smiled, but said nothing.

"I'm going to the market to get some ingredients for tomorrow's dinner. I'll be back soon." He said.

"You want me to come with you?" You asked from the couch.

"No, but thank you for offering." He said, ruffling your hair.

When he left, you noticed he had no wallet or bag with him. He had firm grasp of a knife. You decided not to ask.

You woke up to the sound of a door creaking open. You tried to pinpoint where it was from. It was the door across the hall from the kitchen. Footsteps approaching made you quickly close your eyes, feigning sleep. Teruteru draped a blanket over you and disappeared into his bedroom. You crept into the kitchen and grabbed the keys from the counter. Tiptoeing down the hall, you made sure to not make a single noise.

You inserted the key into the lock and pushed the door open. The room was cold and had hooks hanging from the ceiling. Was this a meat locker? Your gaze fell to one particular hook. There was something on it. You investigated only to find out it was your now ex-boyfriend, Katsuki. He hung limply from the ceiling; the hook nestled in his gut caused blood to drip to the floor. A petrified look of fear plastered on his cold face.
All you could do was look in horror. Then you heard Teruteru behind you.

"He wasn't good enough for you, Y/N."

Up next:

Ibuki x Reader x Ouma
Mastermind!Ishimaru x Toddler!Sister!Reader

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