(Nagito) Reasons

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This was requested by BabyGangsta1

You hadn't left your dorm in days. The other students had started to get worried after you stopped showing up to eat with them. After three days, they sent Nagito to go check on you. Nagito was sent for a few reasons.

1. The others didn't really want to.
2. Nagito knew you the best.
3. Nagito was genuinely concerned.

Hearing a knock on the door made you snap awake. It may have been the middle of the day, but you had been sleeping at odd hours lately. Trudging out of bed you walked toward the door.

"Y/N, are you in there?"


"Y/N, open the door, please."

"Why should I?"

"I just want to talk to you and make sure you're okay."

The door creaked open. Nagito took the opportunity to slip inside. He didn't quite like what he saw. Your dorm was dirty, and you looked like you hadn't showered in days. Something about your appetite changed, and you looked... exhausted.

"Y/N, what happened?" He asked softly.

"... I don't know." You whispered.

He sat down on your bed and patted the spot next to him.

"Let's talk." He said with a seemingly carefree smile.

You sat down, your face red from what you thought might come. Nagito continued to talk, mostly to himself. He didn't want to force you into talking, so he figured him talking might coax you into speaking.

"Nagito, I just don't feel good."

"I understand that, Y/N; but I want you to know that you still need to take care of yourself. You're important to me."

You broke. No one had ever told you that you mattered. You clutched Nagito's shirt, holding on for dear life. Nagito wrapped his arm around you and shushed you.

"I've got you." He whispered.

Once you pulled away, Nagito kept a light grasp on your wrists; his fingers fiddling with your sleeves.

"May I?" He asked.

You nodded shakily, tears forming out of fear for what might come. He forced your sleeves up carefully and slowly, revealing the great amount of scars and scabs. Some were deep, some were shallow. All of them were horrifying to Nagito.

He let go of your wrists and his fingers traced his own sleeves, pulling them up. Scars littered his forearms.

"I've been there too."

Reason number 4. Nagito knew exactly how you felt.

Up Next:

Fuyuhiko x Ultimate Delinquent! Reader

Kiibo x Depressed! Fem! Reader

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