(Child!Asahina) Donut Shop

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I owned a small bakery at the corner of a street near my house.  I loved the smell of cinnamon and vanilla.  Clearly, many other people did too.  People from all around town came flocking to my shop.
I was working the cash register today, and this little girl came up.
"Can I get a donut, please?" She asked.
"Of course, sweetie!" You said. Getting a donut and putting it in a small bag.
"That'll be $1.50." I said.
She searchedher pockets for change.  She gave me a look. You know. That look.  The look that would make anyone fall to their knees.
"Don't worry, honey! (Donut worry :). I guess I'm the only one laughing at the pun. Ok I'll stop) It's on the house!" I said.
She smiled brightly, grabbing the donut bag.
"Come back later, and I'll give you another one!" I said.
I had to admit, I had a soft spot for children.
After a long day of work, I swept the floors and collected the trash.  I grabbed the heavy trash bag and hauled it outside.  I opened the trashbin, and there was someone inside it.  It was the little girl from earlier!  She was digging around looking for something to eat.
"Dear, don't you have a home or parents?" I asked.
Her lip quivered.  I would take that as a no.  I picked her up and brought her inside.  Her stomach growled loudly.
"You want another donut?" I asked.
"Yes please!" She said.
She was so cute! I got her another donut and continued to close up shop.  It was time for me to go home.
"Do you want to come home with me?" I asked her.
She nodded happily. I picked her up and carried her all the way home.
"What's your name, (Mr./Ms.) Donut (Man/Lady)?" The small girl asked.
"My name's Y/N. What's your name?" I asked.
"I'm Aoi Asahina!" She giggled.
We finally made it to my house.  It seemed so...empty.  Maybe Aoi could make it seem a little more lively.  I brought her to my bedroom and tucked her in before joining her.  I fell asleep with the small donut loving child in my arms.  I hope she can stay!

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