(Leon) Happy New Year?

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Happy 2019!

Last year I watched the ball drop on New Year's day.  On TV, of course.  All the people had started kissing their significant others.  It made me feel lonely.  I had never had someone to kiss.  In fact, I had never kissed anyone.

New Years was coming up tonight, but here I was, stuck in a school of murder.  Everyone had remained strong and not killed anyone yet.

"Okay, brats! I'm feeling festive, so I'll let you watch the ball drop in New York!" the bear responsible for our capture said.

We all gathered in the gym where we had first met.  Monokuma  turned on a TV. It showed a huge crowd of people waiting in the cold. It seemed so familiar, like I had watched this one before.  Watching it made me feel sad.  I missed the outside world. 

I sat down next to Leon, my best friend since I got here.  We talked about how we missed celebrating with our family and friends.  No one payed that much attention to the broadcast, we just spoke of old memories. Talking about ourselves made us grow closer, which would make it harder to kill anyone.

By 11 Hagakure and Asahina had already fallen asleep, and Naegi was trying to flirt with Maizano. Leon and I just sat next to each other and kept watching.  His arm had snaked it's way around me. Before we knew it, we were counting down the final seconds.

"Five...Four...Three...Two...One. HAPPY NEW YEAR!" Everyone yelled, waking up those who had fallen asleep.

The TV turned to all the people who were kissing. Many of the students started to kiss as well.  I rolled my eyes. I looked at Leon, about to complain, when he pushed my face closer to his. His lips gently fell upon mine.  My first kiss.  I could practically feel my eyes widen.  A small smile reached my face.  I glanced at the TV to watch the fireworks.  Then I read the screen.

'Happy 2018'

Welp, this was bad. My New Year's resolution is to get a schedule going for this.

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