(Korekiyo) Cannibal

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Korekiyo x Cannibal! Reader

Reader is kind of weird in this. I always make the reader weird when it comes to Korekiyo. I know I shouldn't be doing so many with this character, but I have no clue what to do.

Korekiyo grinned under his mask. This time tomorrow, he'd be able to leave this hellscape. There was no doubt in his mind that he would get away with murder. He was so confident that he killed more than one person. Tenko and Angie would be with his sister now. He retired to his room and fell asleep.

Ding Dong Bing Bong
A body has been discovered

There was a problem. How was that possible? Korekiyo had seen the body obviously. Shuichi saw the body, but no one else was with him. Who else saw the body? Korekiyo hoped no one actually witnessed him murder them. He shook the thought away. That was impossible anyway.

Y/N sat in the cafeteria eating a strange meat. When the body announcement went off he/she threw the plate full of food away and checked it out. Y/N was the least surprised at the state of the bodies. They weren't just dead. Their bodies were mangled and chunks were missing. Bite marks were found all around the body. Some of the missing bits were chewed or cut off. Korekiyo's eyes widened. Who had messed with the bodies? The students spread out to analyze the crime scene. Y/N walked back to the cafeteria and pulled a large plastic bag out of (his/her) backpack. (He/She) thought (he/she) was alone. The bag was filled with meat that was soaking in blood. (He/She) reached in with their bare hand and pulled out a chunk of the dripping meat. Y/N devoured it what seemed like a few bites. Y/N started licking the blood off (his/her) hands, desperate for more but trying to resist. (He/she) put the plastic bag in(his/her) backpack.
"I'm aware that you are the one that tampered with the crime scene." Korekiyo said, sitting down next to (him/her).
"I didn't kill them, if that's what you're implying."
"No, I wouldn't imply such things without evidence."
Y/N raised an eyebrow.
"I can't rule you out as being the murderer, Shinguji."
Korekiyo frowned under his mask. Y/N couldn't possibly know. Y/N pulled his mask down in a swift motion and licked his face. Korekiyo flinched from the wet sensation. The blood on (his/her) hands was dribbling down his neck.
Y/N lapped up the blood and moved to his lips. Korekiyo found a certain beauty in learning new things. Finding out that Y/N was a cannibal was no exception. He grabbed Y/N and pulled (him/her) closer. (He/she) forced (his/her) tongue in his mouth. Korekiyo tasted blood.
Y/N pulled away and whispered in his ear, "I know what you've done."
"You taste so good! They'll find you out. I'll raid the morgue and eat you just like the others." (He/she) said.
"That's if they find out, Y/N. Your vote means nothing if no one votes the way you do." He grinned.
Y/N wiped Korekiyo's lipstick off her mouth. Korekiyo pulled his mask up to normal.

When the trial came, Y/N didn't attempt to get the others to think Korekiyo was the murderer. In fact, Y/N didn't contribute to the argument at all. Kaito found that rather suspicious.
"There were bites taken from the bodies. What do you think happened, Y/N?" He asked, dragging (him/her) in the argument.
"The killer could be one who desires the taste of human flesh." (He/she) said plainly.

"You mean a cannibal?!" Kaito gasped.
"Yes,exactly, a cannibal."

"Y/N, may we check your backpack?" Shuichi asked.

"Of course, but I will have you know that I am not the killer." Y/N hesitatingly threw her bag toward Shuichi and sent a glance Korekiyo's way.

The bag contained some pencils, a kitchen knife, some rope, a plastic bag filled with blood and some type of chunky meat.

"I'm sorry, Y/N, but what is in this bag does not make you look innocent." Shuichi said.

"I am aware Shuichi. This is why I am not going to deny that that meat used to be Tenko and Angie. I can assure you that I am not the murderer."

A few students gasped and some gagged. Kaito somehow managed to do both, then proceeded to choke on the bile in his throat.

Korekiyo smiled under his mask. No evidence pointed to him. He was proud of himself.

Along came voting time. It wasn't hard for them to guess who did it. Y/N knew that they were voting for (him/her). All evidence pointed to (him/her) anyway.

They were all...wrong.

The students gasped. How? Y/N must have done it!

Korekiyo smiled. It felt great knowing he would be able to leave. He looked at Y/N.

"I couldn't have done it without you." He said.

"I'm aware. You would be dead if I didn't crave human meat."

"I guess I should say thank you."

Y/N ignored what he said.

"You have something on your face." (He/she) said, pulling down his mask.

(He/she) bit Korekiyo's lip causing him to bleed. Y/N licked the blood away.

"Remember me when I'm dead." (He/she) said before being dragged away to be executed.

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