(Fuyuhiko) A Life Worth Living

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This is badly written. 

Growing up, I was told that my beloved sister would marry the heir to the Kuzuryuu clan,  I was fine with that.  Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu was a jerk who constantly needed a bodyguard.  It was all an attempt to unite our clans.  Of course, they couldn't get married until they were legally adults.  Our parents knew we should have some time to be children.  The only way I knew Fuyuhiko was because I went to his school.  I was known as the SHSL Troublemaker.  A lot of students loved what I did like Ouma, Leon, and Mondo.  People like Ishimaru, not so much.

One day, I thought 'hey how about I just annoy Fuyuhiko today.'  That's exactly what I did.

"Hey, future brother-in-law!" I said.

"Don't call me that dumbass."

"No need to be rude future brother-in-law."

"I'll fuckin' kill you!"

"You can't do that.  Our clans will be at war if you kill me."

Fuyuhiko rolled his eyes.  If it wouldn't cause destruction across the clans, he would've killed you already. You certainly were the Ultimate Troublemaker.

"You're going to get your dumb ass killed messing with people." he said.

You thought for a second.

"If I die doing what I do best, it'll be a life worth living." you winked.

When I got home, my parents had strange looks on their faces.  They were never the type to smile or frown, but it looked like they were unhappy.

"Y/N, your sister has...died.  Since she's gone, you'll have to marry the Kuzuryuu heir."

I didnt say anything. No wonder my parents looked so uncomfortable.  They tried to show no sign of weakness now that their daughter was dead.  I tried to keep my face straight too.  I was the Ultimate Troublemaker. I was supposed to laugh and mess with people, not cry my eyes out.  I missed her more than anything, even though I had only known she was gone for a few minutes.  How was I supposed to lead a clan?! My sister was taught how to lead. I spent my time pranking people, not learning how to deal with problems that could possibly arise!

It would be worse in the morning. Newspapers would be praising the death of my sister. They'd be happy that she was dead.  They didn't even think that she had a family too. I couldn't stand it.

I typed a small message to Fuyuhiko.

My sister has left and so must I.

He was the only person I could think about.  The only person I ever had a crush on. Yes, I had a crush on the baby faced gangster, Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu.  I got in my car and drove to the school.

"Y/N, what the fuck are you doing?! Get down here." It was Fuyuhiko. He must've tracked me through my phone.

I jumped.  Fuyuhiko came running to me.

"What the fuck?!"

"You told me to get down." I groaned, trying to make it easier for Fuyuhiko.

( Suicide is a serious issue. I do not believe it is funny in any way. I'm sorry if I have offended you. If you feel like no one out there loves you or suicide is the only way, don't do it. People love you all around.  I know you don't know me personally, but I love you. In a not weird way.) 

"Now is not the time for jokes dumbass! Why did you do it?" Fuyuhiko said with tears threatening to spill.

"It hurts."

"No shit. You're dying."

"If I die doing what I do best, it'll be a life worth living." I whispered.

I closed my eyes. Fuyuhiko sighed. He turned away. He didn't want to see my dead body.

"Even though you were one of the most annoying people on the planet, I liked you.  I enjoyed your company...sometimes.  I liked you."

"Boy, I faked my death and all I get is 'I liked you'?! What the actual fuck?! I expected tears and some other bullshit." I said.

Fuyuhiko blinked.

"This was a joke?!" he yelled.

"Yep, my sister didn't actually die or anything. I just wanted you to admit your feelings. I like you too by the way." I grinned.

Next thing I know a fist was thrown at my face.  I woke up with a pounding headache.  The prank was totally worth it, but Fuyuhiko could punch pretty damn hard.  Speaking of which, I heard him talking in the living room. To my parents?

"Y/N, due to new information, your sister will not be marrying Fuyuhiko." your father said.

"Is there another clan that you decided to form an alliance with?" I asked.

"No, dumbass, I'm gonna marry you."

Well this was pretty crappy, sorry. Thanks for reading this far

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