-Chapter 16-

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Achieving Unbroken
Chapter Sixteen

"And every night, I fall asleep
Just so I can see you in my dreams;
And I finally think you ought to know the truth... Are ya listening?
I'm knocking on your heart, could you let me in?"
Knocking On Your Heart | Maggie Lindemann

[Saturday, May 18th, 2018 - 7:34 AM]

I have to blink a few times before my vision clears and I have to rack my brain to remember where I am. A weight on my chest grabs my attention, and I look down; seeing Jason wrapped in my arms, comfortably draped over me.

Oh God, what time is it?

I crane my head just enough to check the clock in my car, and see that it's only around 7:30, which means my mom probably isn't awake yet. But she might be very soon, and I don't know about Jason's family.

My hand rests on his shoulder and starts gently shaking him awake.

"Jason," I whisper, shaking a little harder. "Jason."

"Mmm, no, not yet," I hear him mumble, voice drenched in exhaustion, and feel his arms tighten around my waist. My heartbeat involuntarily speeds up.

Breathe, Lilla. Breathe. You hug guys all the time. How is this different?

"We gotta get home," I lamely attempt. He might not wanna go home, idiot. "Won't your dad and Penelope worry?"

He sighs, and I feel the air brush my arm.

"I don't wanna go back." A frown tugs at my lips. I wonder if it's because of the nightmare or if he is at the point where he hates being at home all of the time. He doesn't sit up.

"Well I would say we could go for breakfast but I don't have enough money in my wallet." Another sigh. Glancing around my car, I ponder our options.

Can't take him home, we can't get food, the best solution is... My house.

"Okay," I say, suddenly chipper. I tap his shoulder to indicate for him to crawl off of me, which he does. "We're going to my place."

He hesitates.

"Will your mom be cool with that?" He asks, worried. We get out of the backseat and sit back up front.

"I have no idea." His eyes go wide, mouth dropping open. "Don't worry about it, though. She's chill." He nods, acknowledging what I said, but I'm not sure he believes it. "Seriously. Don't worry."

He lets out a half-hearted chuckle.

"I'm meeting your mom for the first time, and if you haven't noticed, I'm not a people person."

"But you are my friend. My mom likes all of my friends if they're respectful."

"But I am also your soon-to-be fake boyfriend."

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